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Saturday, January 31, 2009

RanDoM aCtiiOnS TakEN dUriiNg kTv TiimE

Y no StEpH???

iin Case u guYs r wOnderiiNG...

Well coZ sTePh waS bZ ThE wHolE niiTe tAkiinG tHesE SnApShoTs oF mY cOUsiiNS bEsiiDes hAvIinG to Siing K As Well...

RareLy wOuld stePh get the chance of takiing the piics of my CouSiinS w/o them retaliiatiing & retoRtiiNG...

tHey dUn lYke stEph 2 tk pIIcs of Them n yet ytd wAs the BEst oppOrtuNiitY 4 mE whiilE they were bz cOncEntRatiIng oN thEiiR sTuffS...


bOth JoHn n JoEl WerE bZ kiiLlIing mOSqUiiToes wiIF the iiNSect eLectrO bAt...

wHiilE jiiE jiiE oN thE oTher HAnd waS fOCuSIIng On HeR sIINgIIng...

aLvIN on THE otHER HanD wAs lOokIiNG @ thE 2 Boys MiiscHiiEf...

sO Tiis WaS Y sTePh gOt The ChaNce!!!



STepH oSo sIiNgs nW...

Juz dat IitS nOt ThOse sOngs Dat StEph USuallY siiNgs @ KTV...

iiTs A viiCtoRiiioUs sOnG CrEAtEd n UndErsTooD oNLii By StEpH!!!

Hee... =p

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