StePh's plAyliiSt

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Wednesday, January 28, 2009

StEpH @ sTyLe hAiiR sTudiiO

10.30 am...

HaiiR appOiintmEnt wiiF sTyLe hAir StuDio lOcaTed @ mArinE pArAdE CEntRal...

oN 24th JaN 2009...

tIis wAs te=he Dae sTePh wEnt to cUt...



n cOlour mY hAiir...

AftEr mUch DiiscUssIioNs WiiF the HAiiR sTylIist oN whAt sTylE sHoulD b The BEst...

wE bOth agReed 2 Cut bAcK 2 cOncAve wIIf the ColOur of uRpliiSh Red...

tHEre sTepH sAt lYke a nErd...

lEttIIng tHe hAiir sTyliiSt diiD mY hAiiR...

nTh 2 Do TherE...

oNlii cAn sMs oR reAd mAgAziiNes...


UntiiL sTePh fElt so SleEpY...


The hRs oF sIitiiNG theRe wEre bErii tIiriiNg...

sTePh HAd to pRacTiiCaLly sIit TherE 4 6 Over hRs!!!

dEsPiiTe aLl ThESe...

sTiiLl sTePh wAs Berii sAtiISfIied wIif the hAiir cOloUr...

sTePh eNjoYed mOst wAs the pArt whEn hEr hAiir stYliISt pUt thE pIinK hAiIR dYe oNtO sTePh's HaiiR...

tHe eFfEct looKed FUnnIi On StEpH...

YeT @ The SaMe TiiME iinTerEsTiiNg To mE...

ThuS ii Took The pIIc Of my hAiiR iiN pIinK...


aFtEr all wAs dOne...

StEph weNt 4 hEr treAtmEnt...

n AfTer thE wAsh...

sTePh's hAiiR was Berii SmooTh to The tOucH...


wHen iiT wAs tIimE 4 pAymEnt...

u GuyS wOulD nV gUesS ThE pRiicE mY hAiIR wOuld Cost mE...

$408.00 wAs wAd ii Paiid!!!

thOuGh ex...

bUt 2 sTepH hoWevA...

iiT wAs All wOrtH iiT...

oCcAsIioNallY pAmpEriiNg 2 OneSelF iis Not A siIn aFtEraLl iiSn'T iiT??? =p

mOst iiMpoRtanTly iiS daT sTepH's hAiir haS once agaIin reGaiiN iiTs lUstrE n ShiiNE...

n sTePh wAs bErIi hAppY wiiF thE trEatMEnt...

The PRodUCt uSed bY tHE hAiiR stYliiSt was gOod...

A greAt rEcOmmEndAtiiOn fRom HiiM dEspIitE tHE stEeP pRiicE...

bUt sTepH wIill CoNtiiNue to USe tiiS pRodUct dUriiNG tReatMEnt...

sO dat sTepH's hAiiR wiiLl noT go All FriiZzY n UNtiiDy...

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