StePh's plAyliiSt

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Sunday, January 25, 2009

StEpH's FiRst TrY iN boWliNg

yTd stePh togetHer wiF HEr famIly n reLatiVes wenT to ChineSe sWimMinG cLub 4 diInnEr...

sTePh mEt them straiighT @ cLub b coz b4 dat ii went to cut...


n treatment mY haiiR...

ii hv oreadii taken the piics of mY newly stylEd haiiR...

wiill upload them uP when free...

as the diinnEr staRts @ 7pm...

n stepH's haiir was doNe b4 7pm...

sTePh went to derma mediic...

her 1 stOp faciiaL cAre sHop to trIim HEr eyebrOws...

afterwhIicH ii went to parkwae shoppIing ctr to shoP...

there ii went to buY a sUndress frOm 77th sTrEeT to change 4 the diinner...

As steph's clothes were soiiled froM the haiir n dye...

iiT wAS lovEly n stePh saw another dress...

n wiill droP bY pArkWae agaiin lTr b4 6pm to PurcHase iit...

b cOZ thE pErsOn iin cHArge a.k.a. niiang (mumMy iin ManDariiN) had reserved the LAst pIiece 4 me...


laSt stoP was to SASA to PurchAse her all TiimE neccEssIity...


whEneva ii had rUn oUt of pErfumEs...

ii Wiill sUre oWaeS go Down to SASA to pUrchase iit...

sOon iiT was nEarlY 6 pm...

aPparEntly sTePh wAs told By mUmmY to Miit tHem @ cLub @ 6 pm...

coZ muMmy wans to go n PlaY hEr jAckPot...

thUs stePh wiill Hv the dUty to acComPAny ah ma ard the clUb...

StePh doEs not wan to enter the jacKpOt rooM eva agaiin...

cOz ii C nO fuN iiN pUllIinG the MaChIines @ all...

dUnnoE Y stiilL So Manii Ppl lOves plAyiinG...


tiiMe passEd berii quIickly ytd...

n iin a bliink of An eYe...

7pm had reached...

StEpH's auntiie...

unCle n cOusiiNs camE...

went iinTo the restaurant n started orderiiNG oUr foOD...

ThoUgh we frequentLy coMe to MAncHu cAfe 4 diiNNer oN sats...

bUt tiis tiime roUnd...

iit iis cOnsiidered as a reuniioN diiNnEr 4 us...

stePh wiill owaes order her standard fave diish...

griilled chiicken turnover wiif mushroOm sauCe ovEr iit...

BUt last niite stePh chnaged to mee goReng...

n coz The serViiNG iis Huge...

stEph iis oSo a small eater...

sO ii had to shAre wiif aUnty shAreN...

n After the diiNner...

oThers ordered chendOl n chEng teNg...

sTePh oRdered her vAniiLA miilKsHake...


fUll thoUgh...

BuT iiT wAs deLiiciIouS...

afTer diiNner...

we weNT to Play bOwliiNG...

daddy had reserved Two LAnes for us...

n iit was steph's fiiRst tRy @ iit...

the balls were heavy...

coz stepH's fiingers coUld noT go Iinto the hOles oF the lIight weiiGhteD balls...

thUS stePh had to carry the 10 poUnDs ball...

bUt iit was a gd try 4 steph...

as ii was all paniickY n nervoUs...

Scared n sHy dat the expertS wiill laUgh at me...


ii hV taKen piiCs of alVin n JoEl bOWliinG...

2 piiCs oNlii ii tiinK...

coz stePh's hps were flAt n had to bOrroW dad's hp...

But he n mUmmY gTg haig rd to pUrchAse lAst mIiN new yEar's stuffs...

so ii had to rtn hiim back shortly after takiiNg thoSe piiCs...

iiniitiialLy stePh diiD nOt PlAy...

HowevA the mOment My daddY lEft...

ii joiinEd iin Wiif mY cOusiinS...

n stArtEd rOllIing the balls...

dIin had anii kiicks oUt of bOwlIing thoUgh...

nOt iiNTerested...

plAy unTiill StePh's ThUmB was bLiiStereD!!!

sO pAiiNfUl...

But StiiLl stePh cOntiiNued...

We plAyed 3 Games altogEther...

n pAiid oNlii $34 plUs...

quIite chEaP as CompAreD 2 OutsiiDe...

Ii sUppOsE...

PayiiNg oNlii $2.40 per game 4 aDulTs...

n $1.80 pEr cHIild...

uNclE JAson wAs there to GuiiDe me thoUgH...

TeLLiiNG StePh to sWiiNG tiill ii got mY moMEntuM riiTe b4 thRowiiNG the ball oUt...

ii was the lousiiest to hv scOred oNlii 88 pOiinTs...


sTiill A fUn xPeriiEnce fOR sTepH...

wiiLl CoNtiiNUe to PRacTiice...

ExAcTlY 10pm...

we baDe The LAneS gd Byes n HeadEd stRaiiGht BacK to MY hOme...

to ConTiinUE oUr secOnd RoUNd oF fUN...


iiMmedIiateLy BAck Hm...

wE YouNGsters wEnt iiN to the ktv room n started kEyiiNG iin oUr fave sOngs...

Lyke JAy ChoU...

AnGelA zHang...

JolIn tSai...


n sOme olDiiEs too (sUng bY jiiE jiiE sAm n HEr Bf aLvIn)...

Joel n JoHnathan diiD nOt siiNG @ all thOu...

They plAyed the soNg RASA SAYANG...

jUZ to c hOW the MV oF the sOng looKEd lyke...

despIite cOuntlEss ChEerS frOm US...




AlViiN n JiiE JiiE wEre siiNGiiNG dUets Iin mOSt oF the SoNgs...

BUt iin tHE lTr PArt...

sTepH n Jiie jiiE 2gEther...

As AlViin ClaiimEd dat hE dUnnOE the sOngs...

Nv HEard OF tHem B4...


The AdUlTs weRe wAtcHiinG tV pRogrAmmEs oUtsIiDe...

oCcAsiiOnallY oNe or 2 Of tHe AdUlts PopPeD thEiR HEads iiN to C waD we Were sIIngIIng...


we SaNg tiiLL nEaRlY 12 miiDnIIte...

When DaDdY cAM iiN to 'ChasE' tHem Hm...

cOZ hE iiS slEepY OUtsiiDe oReadii...

Juz bY wAtchIIng the tv pRogrAms...



AlviN n JiiE jiIe sAng the last soNg...

n we bAde eAch Other Gd Byes as well As gD Niite...

n We Wiill C eAch OTher agaIin On the 2nD daE oF CNY...


Iit Was ReallII a Fun N jOyoUs dAe 4 StePh!!!

sTeph ReallIi EnJoYed hErSelF bErii MuChiIE!!!

yTd stePh togetHer wiF HEr famIly n reLatiVes wenT to ChineSe sWimMinG cLub 4 diInnEr...

sTePh mEt them straiighT @ cLub b coz b4 dat ii went to cut...


n treatment mY haiiR...

ii hv oreadii taken the piics of mY newly stylEd haiiR...

wiill upload them uP when free...

as the diinnEr staRts @ 7pm...

n stepH's haiir was doNe b4 7pm...

sTePh went to derma mediic...

her 1 stOp faciiaL cAre sHop to trIim HEr eyebrOws...

afterwhIicH ii went to parkwae shoppIing ctr to shoP...

there ii went to buY a sUndress frOm 77th sTrEeT to change 4 the diinner...

As steph's clothes were soiiled froM the haiir n dye...

iiT wAS lovEly n stePh saw another dress...

n wiill droP bY pArkWae agaiin lTr b4 6pm to PurcHase iit...

b cOZ thE pErsOn iin cHArge a.k.a. niiang (mumMy iin ManDariiN) had reserved the LAst pIiece 4 me...


laSt stoP was to SASA to PurchAse her all TiimE neccEssIity...


whEneva ii had rUn oUt of pErfumEs...

ii Wiill sUre oWaeS go Down to SASA to pUrchase iit...

sOon iiT was nEarlY 6 pm...

aPparEntly sTePh wAs told By mUmmY to Miit tHem @ cLub @ 6 pm...

coZ muMmy wans to go n PlaY hEr jAckPot...

thUs stePh wiill Hv the dUty to acComPAny ah ma ard the clUb...

StePh doEs not wan to enter the jacKpOt rooM eva agaiin...

cOz ii C nO fuN iiN pUllIinG the MaChIines @ all...

dUnnoE Y stiilL So Manii Ppl lOves plAyiinG...


tiiMe passEd berii quIickly ytd...

n iin a bliink of An eYe...

7pm had reached...

StEpH's auntiie...

unCle n cOusiiNs camE...

went iinTo the restaurant n started orderiiNG oUr foOD...

ThoUgh we frequentLy coMe to MAncHu cAfe 4 diiNNer oN sats...

bUt tiis tiime roUnd...

iit iis cOnsiidered as a reuniioN diiNnEr 4 us...

stePh wiill owaes order her standard fave diish...

griilled chiicken turnover wiif mushroOm sauCe ovEr iit...

BUt last niite stePh chnaged to mee goReng...

n coz The serViiNG iis Huge...

stEph iis oSo a small eater...

sO ii had to shAre wiif aUnty shAreN...

n After the diiNner...

oThers ordered chendOl n chEng teNg...

sTePh oRdered her vAniiLA miilKsHake...


fUll thoUgh...

BuT iiT wAs deLiiciIouS...

afTer diiNner...

we weNT to Play bOwliiNG...

daddy had reserved Two LAnes for us...

n iit was steph's fiiRst tRy @ iit...

the balls were heavy...

coz stepH's fiingers coUld noT go Iinto the hOles oF the lIight weiiGhteD balls...

thUS stePh had to carry the 10 poUnDs ball...

bUt iit was a gd try 4 steph...

as ii was all paniickY n nervoUs...

Scared n sHy dat the expertS wiill laUgh at me...


ii hV taKen piiCs of alVin n JoEl bOWliinG...

2 piiCs oNlii ii tiinK...

coz stePh's hps were flAt n had to bOrroW dad's hp...

But he n mUmmY gTg haig rd to pUrchAse lAst mIiN new yEar's stuffs...

so ii had to rtn hiim back shortly after takiiNg thoSe piiCs...

iiniitiialLy stePh diiD nOt PlAy...

HowevA the mOment My daddY lEft...

ii joiinEd iin Wiif mY cOusiinS...

n stArtEd rOllIing the balls...

dIin had anii kiicks oUt of bOwlIing thoUgh...

nOt iiNTerested...

plAy unTiill StePh's ThUmB was bLiiStereD!!!

sO pAiiNfUl...

But StiiLl stePh cOntiiNued...

We plAyed 3 Games altogEther...

n pAiid oNlii $34 plUs...

quIite chEaP as CompAreD 2 OutsiiDe...

Ii sUppOsE...

PayiiNg oNlii $2.40 per game 4 aDulTs...

n $1.80 pEr cHIild...

uNclE JAson wAs there to GuiiDe me thoUgH...

TeLLiiNG StePh to sWiiNG tiill ii got mY moMEntuM riiTe b4 thRowiiNG the ball oUt...

ii was the lousiiest to hv scOred oNlii 88 pOiinTs...


sTiill A fUn xPeriiEnce fOR sTepH...

wiiLl CoNtiiNUe to PRacTiice...

ExAcTlY 10pm...

we baDe The LAneS gd Byes n HeadEd stRaiiGht BacK to MY hOme...

to ConTiinUE oUr secOnd RoUNd oF fUN...


iiMmedIiateLy BAck Hm...

wE YouNGsters wEnt iiN to the ktv room n started kEyiiNG iin oUr fave sOngs...

Lyke JAy ChoU...

AnGelA zHang...

JolIn tSai...


n sOme olDiiEs too (sUng bY jiiE jiiE sAm n HEr Bf aLvIn)...

Joel n JoHnathan diiD nOt siiNG @ all thOu...

They plAyed the soNg RASA SAYANG...

jUZ to c hOW the MV oF the sOng looKEd lyke...

despIite cOuntlEss ChEerS frOm US...




AlViiN n JiiE JiiE wEre siiNGiiNG dUets Iin mOSt oF the SoNgs...

BUt iin tHE lTr PArt...

sTepH n Jiie jiiE 2gEther...

As AlViin ClaiimEd dat hE dUnnOE the sOngs...

Nv HEard OF tHem B4...


The AdUlTs weRe wAtcHiinG tV pRogrAmmEs oUtsIiDe...

oCcAsiiOnallY oNe or 2 Of tHe AdUlts PopPeD thEiR HEads iiN to C waD we Were sIIngIIng...


we SaNg tiiLL nEaRlY 12 miiDnIIte...

When DaDdY cAM iiN to 'ChasE' tHem Hm...

cOZ hE iiS slEepY OUtsiiDe oReadii...

Juz bY wAtchIIng the tv pRogrAms...

yTd stePh togetHer wiF HEr famIly n reLatiVes wenT to ChineSe sWimMinG cLub 4 diInnEr...

sTePh mEt them straiighT @ cLub b coz b4 dat ii went to cut...


n treatment mY haiiR...

ii hv oreadii taken the piics of mY newly stylEd haiiR...

wiill upload them uP when free...

as the diinnEr staRts @ 7pm...

n stepH's haiir was doNe b4 7pm...

sTePh went to derma mediic...

her 1 stOp faciiaL cAre sHop to trIim HEr eyebrOws...

afterwhIicH ii went to parkwae shoppIing ctr to shoP...

there ii went to buY a sUndress frOm 77th sTrEeT to change 4 the diinner...

As steph's clothes were soiiled froM the haiir n dye...

iiT wAS lovEly n stePh saw another dress...

n wiill droP bY pArkWae agaiin lTr b4 6pm to PurcHase iit...

b cOZ thE pErsOn iin cHArge a.k.a. niiang (mumMy iin ManDariiN) had reserved the LAst pIiece 4 me...


laSt stoP was to SASA to PurchAse her all TiimE neccEssIity...


whEneva ii had rUn oUt of pErfumEs...

ii Wiill sUre oWaeS go Down to SASA to pUrchase iit...

sOon iiT was nEarlY 6 pm...

aPparEntly sTePh wAs told By mUmmY to Miit tHem @ cLub @ 6 pm...

coZ muMmy wans to go n PlaY hEr jAckPot...

thUs stePh wiill Hv the dUty to acComPAny ah ma ard the clUb...

StePh doEs not wan to enter the jacKpOt rooM eva agaiin...

cOz ii C nO fuN iiN pUllIinG the MaChIines @ all...

dUnnoE Y stiilL So Manii Ppl lOves plAyiinG...


tiiMe passEd berii quIickly ytd...

n iin a bliink of An eYe...

7pm had reached...

StEpH's auntiie...

unCle n cOusiiNs camE...

went iinTo the restaurant n started orderiiNG oUr foOD...

ThoUgh we frequentLy coMe to MAncHu cAfe 4 diiNNer oN sats...

bUt tiis tiime roUnd...

iit iis cOnsiidered as a reuniioN diiNnEr 4 us...

stePh wiill owaes order her standard fave diish...

griilled chiicken turnover wiif mushroOm sauCe ovEr iit...

BUt last niite stePh chnaged to mee goReng...

n coz The serViiNG iis Huge...

stEph iis oSo a small eater...

sO ii had to shAre wiif aUnty shAreN...

n After the diiNner...

oThers ordered chendOl n chEng teNg...

sTePh oRdered her vAniiLA miilKsHake...


fUll thoUgh...

BuT iiT wAs deLiiciIouS...

afTer diiNner...

we weNT to Play bOwliiNG...

daddy had reserved Two LAnes for us...

n iit was steph's fiiRst tRy @ iit...

the balls were heavy...

coz stepH's fiingers coUld noT go Iinto the hOles oF the lIight weiiGhteD balls...

thUS stePh had to carry the 10 poUnDs ball...

bUt iit was a gd try 4 steph...

as ii was all paniickY n nervoUs...

Scared n sHy dat the expertS wiill laUgh at me...


ii hV taKen piiCs of alVin n JoEl bOWliinG...

2 piiCs oNlii ii tiinK...

coz stePh's hps were flAt n had to bOrroW dad's hp...

But he n mUmmY gTg haig rd to pUrchAse lAst mIiN new yEar's stuffs...

so ii had to rtn hiim back shortly after takiiNg thoSe piiCs...

iiniitiialLy stePh diiD nOt PlAy...

HowevA the mOment My daddY lEft...

ii joiinEd iin Wiif mY cOusiinS...

n stArtEd rOllIing the balls...

dIin had anii kiicks oUt of bOwlIing thoUgh...

nOt iiNTerested...

plAy unTiill StePh's ThUmB was bLiiStereD!!!

sO pAiiNfUl...

But StiiLl stePh cOntiiNued...

We plAyed 3 Games altogEther...

n pAiid oNlii $34 plUs...

quIite chEaP as CompAreD 2 OutsiiDe...

Ii sUppOsE...

PayiiNg oNlii $2.40 per game 4 aDulTs...

n $1.80 pEr cHIild...

uNclE JAson wAs there to GuiiDe me thoUgH...

TeLLiiNG StePh to sWiiNG tiill ii got mY moMEntuM riiTe b4 thRowiiNG the ball oUt...

ii was the lousiiest to hv scOred oNlii 88 pOiinTs...


sTiill A fUn xPeriiEnce fOR sTepH...

wiiLl CoNtiiNUe to PRacTiice...

ExAcTlY 10pm...

we baDe The LAneS gd Byes n HeadEd stRaiiGht BacK to MY hOme...

to ConTiinUE oUr secOnd RoUNd oF fUN...


iiMmedIiateLy BAck Hm...

wE YouNGsters wEnt iiN to the ktv room n started kEyiiNG iin oUr fave sOngs...

Lyke JAy ChoU...

AnGelA zHang...

JolIn tSai...


n sOme olDiiEs too (sUng bY jiiE jiiE sAm n HEr Bf aLvIn)...

Joel n JoHnathan diiD nOt siiNG @ all thOu...

They plAyed the soNg RASA SAYANG...

jUZ to c hOW the MV oF the sOng looKEd lyke...

despIite cOuntlEss ChEerS frOm US...




AlViiN n JiiE JiiE wEre siiNGiiNG dUets Iin mOSt oF the SoNgs...

BUt iin tHE lTr PArt...

sTepH n Jiie jiiE 2gEther...

As AlViin ClaiimEd dat hE dUnnOE the sOngs...

Nv HEard OF tHem B4...


The AdUlTs weRe wAtcHiinG tV pRogrAmmEs oUtsIiDe...

oCcAsiiOnallY oNe or 2 Of tHe AdUlts PopPeD thEiR HEads iiN to C waD we Were sIIngIIng...


we SaNg tiiLL nEaRlY 12 miiDnIIte...

When DaDdY cAM iiN to 'ChasE' tHem Hm...

cOZ hE iiS slEepY OUtsiiDe oReadii...

Juz bY wAtchIIng the tv pRogrAms...



AlviN n JiiE jiIe sAng the last soNg...

n we bAde eAch Other Gd Byes as well As gD Niite...

n We Wiill C eAch OTher agaIin On the 2nD daE oF CNY...


Iit Was ReallII a Fun N jOyoUs dAe 4 StePh!!!

sTeph ReallIi EnJoYed hErSelF bErii MuChiIE!!!

yTd stePh togetHer wiF HEr famIly n reLatiVes wenT to ChineSe sWimMinG cLub 4 diInnEr...

sTePh mEt them straiighT @ cLub b coz b4 dat ii went to cut...


n treatment mY haiiR...

ii hv oreadii taken the piics of mY newly stylEd haiiR...

wiill upload them uP when free...

as the diinnEr staRts @ 7pm...

n stepH's haiir was doNe b4 7pm...

sTePh went to derma mediic...

her 1 stOp faciiaL cAre sHop to trIim HEr eyebrOws...

afterwhIicH ii went to parkwae shoppIing ctr to shoP...

there ii went to buY a sUndress frOm 77th sTrEeT to change 4 the diinner...

As steph's clothes were soiiled froM the haiir n dye...

iiT wAS lovEly n stePh saw another dress...

n wiill droP bY pArkWae agaiin lTr b4 6pm to PurcHase iit...

b cOZ thE pErsOn iin cHArge a.k.a. niiang (mumMy iin ManDariiN) had reserved the LAst pIiece 4 me...


laSt stoP was to SASA to PurchAse her all TiimE neccEssIity...


whEneva ii had rUn oUt of pErfumEs...

ii Wiill sUre oWaeS go Down to SASA to pUrchase iit...

sOon iiT was nEarlY 6 pm...

aPparEntly sTePh wAs told By mUmmY to Miit tHem @ cLub @ 6 pm...

coZ muMmy wans to go n PlaY hEr jAckPot...

thUs stePh wiill Hv the dUty to acComPAny ah ma ard the clUb...

StePh doEs not wan to enter the jacKpOt rooM eva agaiin...

cOz ii C nO fuN iiN pUllIinG the MaChIines @ all...

dUnnoE Y stiilL So Manii Ppl lOves plAyiinG...


tiiMe passEd berii quIickly ytd...

n iin a bliink of An eYe...

7pm had reached...

StEpH's auntiie...

unCle n cOusiiNs camE...

went iinTo the restaurant n started orderiiNG oUr foOD...

ThoUgh we frequentLy coMe to MAncHu cAfe 4 diiNNer oN sats...

bUt tiis tiime roUnd...

iit iis cOnsiidered as a reuniioN diiNnEr 4 us...

stePh wiill owaes order her standard fave diish...

griilled chiicken turnover wiif mushroOm sauCe ovEr iit...

BUt last niite stePh chnaged to mee goReng...

n coz The serViiNG iis Huge...

stEph iis oSo a small eater...

sO ii had to shAre wiif aUnty shAreN...

n After the diiNner...

oThers ordered chendOl n chEng teNg...

sTePh oRdered her vAniiLA miilKsHake...


fUll thoUgh...

BuT iiT wAs deLiiciIouS...

afTer diiNner...

we weNT to Play bOwliiNG...

daddy had reserved Two LAnes for us...

n iit was steph's fiiRst tRy @ iit...

the balls were heavy...

coz stepH's fiingers coUld noT go Iinto the hOles oF the lIight weiiGhteD balls...

thUS stePh had to carry the 10 poUnDs ball...

bUt iit was a gd try 4 steph...

as ii was all paniickY n nervoUs...

Scared n sHy dat the expertS wiill laUgh at me...


ii hV taKen piiCs of alVin n JoEl bOWliinG...

2 piiCs oNlii ii tiinK...

coz stePh's hps were flAt n had to bOrroW dad's hp...

But he n mUmmY gTg haig rd to pUrchAse lAst mIiN new yEar's stuffs...

so ii had to rtn hiim back shortly after takiiNg thoSe piiCs...

iiniitiialLy stePh diiD nOt PlAy...

HowevA the mOment My daddY lEft...

ii joiinEd iin Wiif mY cOusiinS...

n stArtEd rOllIing the balls...

dIin had anii kiicks oUt of bOwlIing thoUgh...

nOt iiNTerested...

plAy unTiill StePh's ThUmB was bLiiStereD!!!

sO pAiiNfUl...

But StiiLl stePh cOntiiNued...

We plAyed 3 Games altogEther...

n pAiid oNlii $34 plUs...

quIite chEaP as CompAreD 2 OutsiiDe...

Ii sUppOsE...

PayiiNg oNlii $2.40 per game 4 aDulTs...

n $1.80 pEr cHIild...

uNclE JAson wAs there to GuiiDe me thoUgH...

TeLLiiNG StePh to sWiiNG tiill ii got mY moMEntuM riiTe b4 thRowiiNG the ball oUt...

ii was the lousiiest to hv scOred oNlii 88 pOiinTs...


sTiill A fUn xPeriiEnce fOR sTepH...

wiiLl CoNtiiNUe to PRacTiice...

ExAcTlY 10pm...

we baDe The LAneS gd Byes n HeadEd stRaiiGht BacK to MY hOme...

to ConTiinUE oUr secOnd RoUNd oF fUN...


iiMmedIiateLy BAck Hm...

wE YouNGsters wEnt iiN to the ktv room n started kEyiiNG iin oUr fave sOngs...

Lyke JAy ChoU...

AnGelA zHang...

JolIn tSai...


n sOme olDiiEs too (sUng bY jiiE jiiE sAm n HEr Bf aLvIn)...

Joel n JoHnathan diiD nOt siiNG @ all thOu...

They plAyed the soNg RASA SAYANG...

jUZ to c hOW the MV oF the sOng looKEd lyke...

despIite cOuntlEss ChEerS frOm US...




AlViiN n JiiE JiiE wEre siiNGiiNG dUets Iin mOSt oF the SoNgs...

BUt iin tHE lTr PArt...

sTepH n Jiie jiiE 2gEther...

As AlViin ClaiimEd dat hE dUnnOE the sOngs...

Nv HEard OF tHem B4...


The AdUlTs weRe wAtcHiinG tV pRogrAmmEs oUtsIiDe...

oCcAsiiOnallY oNe or 2 Of tHe AdUlts PopPeD thEiR HEads iiN to C waD we Were sIIngIIng...


we SaNg tiiLL nEaRlY 12 miiDnIIte...

When DaDdY cAM iiN to 'ChasE' tHem Hm...

cOZ hE iiS slEepY OUtsiiDe oReadii...

Juz bY wAtchIIng the tv pRogrAms...



AlviN n JiiE jiIe sAng the last soNg...

n we bAde eAch Other Gd Byes as well As gD Niite...

n We Wiill C eAch OTher agaIin On the 2nD daE oF CNY...


Iit Was ReallII a Fun N jOyoUs dAe 4 StePh!!!

sTeph ReallIi EnJoYed hErSelF bErii MuChiIE!!!

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