StePh's plAyliiSt

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Thursday, January 29, 2009

CHu Er

StEpH 2DAe dIin Go oUt oN tHE 2nD dAe oF cNY...

SuppOsEdLy 2 go to aH mA's HSe agaiin...

But iin The enD dIin go...

cOz StEph'S uNcLe n AunTiie r ComIing OVer 4 ViisIitIinG...

sO whiiLE waIitiiNG 4 Them to Come...

StePh goT mY mAiiD To b mY pHotogRapHer Once More...

N sTarted mY cam- wHoRiiNg hAbiiTs AgAiiN...

tHus we mAiiNly TooK pIIcs eiithEr iiN mY RooM...

Parent's RooM...

iiF Not woUld b @ thE sTaiiR caSe...

nW u GuYs nOE tiiS iiS wAd sTePh Was DoiiNG dUriiNG CNY bEsiiDes Bz CollEctIIng anG bAos...


Cam WhOriiNG iiNDeeD iiS mY FoRte!!! =p

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