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Monday, January 19, 2009

StEph On ThE WaE n @ ThE rEUniiOn cOmpAnY diinnEr 2009

DesPiiTe stEph's diiarrhea...
fIinallY after mUch pErsuasiive toKs wiif mY mUm...
iin the end ii gt to follow them to the coMpAny diinnEr...
But Sad to sae...
sTePh can't driiNk oN dat dae coz she iis siick...
n her parenTs 4bAde her to driink...
thus StePh can oNlii dRiinK plAiin Water n ThanK gOd...
@ the very last diish...
StePh gt to drIinK a Glass oF oRangE juIice...
nTh to do there...
as StePh can't go roUnd table to tAblE aKiinG ppL to driiNk bEer, wiinE etc wiif stePh...
so StePh juZ sat there wiif her parents n BabY cOusiiN aLly...
Cam WhoRiinG...
daTs the lEasT StePh cOuld Do thEre n ShoW u Guys wad ii m dOiing... ")

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