StePh's plAyliiSt

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Saturday, January 31, 2009


JiiE jiiE n AlvIn'S FaVe cOupLE soNg...

'你最珍貴' sUng By JAcKy ChUNg N GaO hUi JuN...

My COusiin sIis jUZ LUrVe TiiS sOng lOAds...

StEph 2 oSo sTarTiiNg To lYkE TiiS sOnG LE...

AlThOuGh HaS HeArD oF iiT aLot Of TiimEs...

ThUS nW sTePh wiiLl OwAeS KEy iiN tIIs sOng n tRyiiNg To LEarN ThE lYriiCs...

Berii SwEeT...

COulD fEel tHE sTrOng LURvE BetWeeN jiiE jIie n AlVin wHenEvA tHey siiNg TiiS sOng...

CaN FeeL ThE lOvE bEtwEeN tHe 2 Of tHem...

aLl ThE bEsT 2 thE 2 Of U!!! ")

P.S.: ThOuGh ThEy R sIinGiiNg ToGeTheR...

BuT sTEpH cOuld NoT Tk The Piics of thEm tOgEthEr...

Coz They R BotH sIiTtiiNg @ diiFf eNds...

ThUS sTepH cOuld oNly tK iinDiiViiDuaLs piiCs oF TheM... >.<

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