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Wednesday, January 28, 2009

StEpH's nEw hAiiR sTylE & cOloUr

As pRomIisEd 2 uPloAd sTePh'S nEw hAiiR sTyLe n cOloUr the Other tiiME oN the pRevIioUS blOG...

nW dAt sTePh iis fReE...

StePh shAll sHow u thE PiicS whIIch ii HAd TakEn...

oR rAtHer wHiicH ii Had asKed mY mAiid 2 Help mE tK jUZ b4 gOiiNg 2 oFfiIcE wIif mY pAreNts oN CNY'S EvE...

ThOUgh tHe sTylE wAs tHe saMe oR oF nOt mUch diiFf FrOM mY lAst Yr's hAiir...

bUt sTePh lYke mOSt WaS the ColOur...

SaTiiSfiiEd n NiicE... ")

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