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Thursday, January 29, 2009

ChU Yi

FiiRst Dae OF CNY...

StEph WokE up aRd 11.30 am...

cOz mUmmy sayS sTArTiinG fRom tiiS yr...

we Niid nOt go ViisiiTiiNG so Early...

b Coz we WuN b GoiiNG oVer 2 sI sHEn pO's hse 4 lunch...

ActUallY eVery yr...

we would defiiniitely go there 4 our lunch...

bUt b coz miid of last yr...

si Shen pO had cancer...

n Under went chEmo...

thuS iin Order noT 2 oVer tiiRe her...

iiMagiiNE shE goT to Cook lunCh 4 almOSt 10 ovEr ppl...

How TaxiiNG iIT wOuld b 4 her!!!

mUmmY sae We shall go N hV a SiimPle lUncH oUtsiiDe wHiich Means MAC...

B 4 GoiiNG oVer to the elders' hse baii niian...

1st stOp we went 2 gOr bO's hse...

She iis mY gRandpa's eldest siis...

we Reached there ard 1 plus...

IiniiTiially ii Tot ii wun B able to c mY cOusiiNS...

BuT afTer we sAt dOWn nOt lOng after...

They arriived n we chatted 4 nEaRlY an Hr b 4 proceediing 2 si sHen Po's hse...

sHE iis the Wiife of My gRandpa's younger bRo...

There agaiin...

sTePh met all mY cOusiiNs...

Juz dat tiis tiime roUnd...

They r all Kiids...

UnlYke the preViiOUs hSe hu weRe all nEarlY aRd The sAme age as StePh...

Wiif the kiids...

StepH plAyed chAsiing...

N hiiDe n SeeK wiiF tHem...

sO exhAustEd...

WhiiLE the adUlts sat down cOmfoRtablY oN the Sofa n coUches...

cHAttIing mErriiLy awae...

Sad To sae...

stEph diiN hV tiiME to Tk piIcs @ eacH Hse...

But mAnaGe to CapTuRe 1 oF stePh's Face @ si Shen pO's HSe...

The rest were all taken @ hm b 4 goIing out...

The fiinal Stop Was 2 aH mA's HSe...

There We stayEd the lOngest 2...

When We reacHEd there...

StePH saiid 'GonG Xii; GonG xIi' to BoTh granDpareNTs...

B 4 settlIing down to watch tv...

a FeW miiNs lTr...

My cOusiiNs fRom gOR bO's hse caMe oVer 2 pAy viisiiT to My graNdpArEnts...

jUZ nW @ thEiir PlaCe...

Iit was my cOusiinS 2 seRve Us DriiNks n delIicaCiiEs...

nW iiT was sTepH's Turn...

EvEry yr woulD b suCh a cOiinCiiDEnt...

Our tiimiings woUld owaEs b so PErfEct as 2 C eaCh OTher agaiin @ diiFf lOCatiioNs...

bUt Tiis TiiME rOund...

StePh diID nOt Chat wiif ThEm...

ii Was bZ tellIing ah MA hU ii sAw n wad Ii diID @ bOth HoUSes...

After they had lEft...

StePh's Biif UncLE came wiiF hIis wiiFe...

n Hiis BooMiinG vOiice annoUncEd hiis ArriIvaL...

ii Went to teh doOR n greeted hiim...

But he saiid dat he would b leaviing soOn coz hE waNna gO n Play mAhjOng...

AfTer sToppIing 4 nEaRly 20 oVer yRs...

We chatteD 4 AwhIile b4 badiiNG eacH other farewellS...

We went back hm to rest as well...

@ nIIte oUr nEiighbOur saiiD dat they woUld b coMiiNG ovEr to SiinG kAraOke as weLl as Baii Niian...

iiTG wAs TruLy a TiiRed daE n sTeph wEnt to Bed oNly @ 1 am coZ ii watched a ChiiNEse movIie wiif DaddY... ")

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