StePh's plAyliiSt

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Wednesday, April 29, 2009

SinGaPoRe SwiMmInG ClUb

Part oF the sWiimMiiNg cLub tiIngY...
The mIirrOr jUz oUtsiiDe the cOrrIidOoR...
StePh c the dEsiigN uNiiQuE...
So ii Started my zIi liiaN agaIin...
ConSiidEred iit as A mEmEntO dAt Ii stePpEd FooT iiN tiiS cLuB b4...

Tiis iis the PlayRooM where all the chiIlDren went to plaY when the aDulTs were eatiiNG haPpiiLy awae at JAcKsOn mIllEr...
Tiis iis the Kiids HAveN...
BacK to chiiLDhOod days sooooo gD... :)

TiiS iis part of the biiRd's eye vIiew oF sIngaPore SwiMmIng cLub...
BerIi elegant n classY iis How ii SHld descRiiBe the pLAce...
THus Makes mE feeL kiiND of HosTiiLiiTy iiN iit...
sTiill mY cHinEsE sWiMmIng ClUb iiS mUcH mUcH mOre Beta...
FriiEnDLy n CosY... =p

LuNcH bUfFeT @ JaCkSoN MiLlEr

TiiS iis tHe dResS cOde u Hv to abIidE to iif u WanNa enTer JAcKsoN mIlLeR...
OnLii FoRmAl dResSiiNg wiiLl b EnTerTAiiNEd...

TiIs iiS whEre Ii Had my LunCh BufFet lAst sAt cElEbRaTiiNg TashA's 1 yR b Dae partY...
Iit was IinViiTed By LiAne...
My BosS iiN ScH...
We hAd to DreSs fOrmAllY...
Iif Not wIill B reJecTed Or asKed to Go bAcK n ChanGe...

StePh FelT sO unCoMfOrtabLe eAtIing @ tiis pLAce...
2 ClasSy...
fElT reStrIicTed...
the fOod whIich ii ChosE was NiicE thoUgh...
QuiiTe the samE as The chiiCken FolDoVer fRoM mAc...

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

LiaNe aNd Her FamiiLy

Y thE 3 oF them Were lAughIing...

SiiMplY b Coz zAc dIin nOe whErE shLd hE facE as mAnii Cameras Were oN hIim @ dAt TiimE...


Zac n TaSha r LiaNe'S cHiilDren...

LiAne iiS mY bOss @ ShAwS...

WhiiLE LucY iiS the biig BosS...


ZaC n TaShA...

LiAnE's mUm n gRaNdChiilDreN oF lUcY...



ZaC n AlpEsH...

TheY weRe cUttIinG TashA's 1 yr oLd b Dae CakE after sIingIiNg the b' dAe sOng...

AfTer the siinGiinG oF the b Dae sOng...

iits tIiMe to BloW the candles...

So Zac vOlUntEeRed to HElp hiiS liiTtlE siiS bLow the CandlEs...

So SweeT!!! ")

TakE 1 oF blOwiiNg the canDle...

Zac mAkiiNg A wiISh 4 TasHa...

ZaC wanTed to sIing the 'ZoO' b Dae sOng...

ThuS we gOt to JoiiN iiN the siiNGiiNG toO...


HappY b Dae to U...

HappIi b Dae tO u...

HappIi b Dae tO u...

HappIi b Dae To TaShA!!! ")

TeAchErs oF sHaWs were iiNvIited to CelEbrAtE bAbY TashA's 1 yR oLd b Dae @ the SinGapOre SwiMmiNg cLub lAst sat...

LianE bOoKed a WesTerN restaUranT NameD JacKsOn MillEr...

N the LuncH was ex As well As exquiiSiiTe...

YumMy!!! =p

MosT of The tEacHers fRom ShaWs MouNtbAtTEn N BraddEll wiiF lIanE aS wElL aS hEr FamIilY dUriiNg the LunCh BuFfEt @ JAcKsOn MiLleR...
c hoW chEeRy EvErYboDy WeRe...

LiAnE n Her bAbY pRiiNcEsS- tAshA...
ChAttIinG hAppIilY AwAe wiiF mIiSs LeO...
SeeMs lyke dAt dAe evErY 1 woRe blAcK...
IinClUdiiNg StEpH mYseLf...

zAc n TasHa plAyiiNg @ The pLAyRooM whiiLE the aUlts Were eatIiNg...
c How enJoYiiNg zaC was PlayiiNg wiiF hiiS kIiD siiS... ")

Tiis pArt was actuallY an accIiDenT...
Ii Had wanTEd Zac to Tk pIic together wiif tasha...
so 4 a perfect brOthEr- siiSterLy lOve...
Zac triiEd to hUg TashA n aTteMpTed tO pUll hEr tO hiiS siiDe...
buT to No AvaiIl...
CoZ tashA triIEd tO bReak FreE fRom hIiS tiiTe hUg...

tHe 2 mAiiDs n thE 2 KiiDs...
AunTiiE mAgDaLeNe n tAsHa...
HeiDi TiiTa ( flIilIiPiInO wOrD 4 AunTiiE) n Zac...

AunTiiE mAgDalenE n TashA...
AuNtIiE mAgDalenE iiS LuCy'S mAiiD hU hAd woRked iin the famiilY 4 a lOnG tiiMe...

HeiDi n Zac...
HeiDi hAd bEeN woRkiiNg 4 zAc siiNCe the YouNG bOii wAs bOrn...
So shLd b 3 yRs pLus...

tHe b Dae gaL...
pRecIioUs iiN aLl tHe eYeS oF sHaWs' teacHers...
CuTe n ChuBbY... ")

Monday, April 27, 2009

Ah Ma eAtiiNg hEr caKe 1; 2 N 3

Her cakE dRoppEd On hEr shiirt...
Dats y she lOoked doWn to c wheRe iIT wAs DiiRtiiEd...

SloWly n CarefUllY shE tRiied to Put a small PiiEcE iiNtO hEr mOuTh wiiF dRiiNk By hEr siiDe 4 her to siiP whiiLe eatiiNg...

Ah mA goT her biiGgEst sLiicEd b' Dae cake fRom Gor GoR n Started eatiiNg iit...

RanDoM piiCs b4 n AfTer tHE b DaE cEleBratiiOn

StEpH waS bOred whiiLE waiitiinG for the cakE to coMe...
So Ii started zii lIian Agaiin...

StEph TrYiiNg to tk Together wiiF Joel...
But he iis 'Camera Shy'...
So 2 bad...
He shiiFted...
N captuRed iinSteaD wAS Me...
jOel'S bAcK n UnClE jAsOn...

TiiS piiC was taken By MummY...
sO jOel nO choIiCe hV to tk Wiif StePh...

Tiis pArt wAs the MoSt fUnnY oF all...
ReasOn bEiing...
JoEl doEs noT wan to tk Wiif me iinIiTiiAllY...
So He uSed Ah ma's Fan to hiiDe hiiS face FroM the camera...
but stePh WoulDn't let...
thuS whiilE tryiiNG to Snatch...
Ii accIiDentallY bRokE iit...
n Dats y we were laughIing so hiiLariiouSlY...

C even unCle jAsoN oSo lauGhEd @ mY clUmSiinEsS...
ReallIi a gd laUgh...
C hoW oUr mOuths OpenEd tiiLl sO wiiDe...
iiTs a shOcked 4 the both of us...
wE nV kNew the fan was so FragiilE...

StEpH ziI liIaN- iiNg oNce agaiiN After the hEarty lAuGh...
My Eyes lOokEd kIind oF tiiRed ThoUgh...
Coz ii m Siick...
n Was On mEdiiCatiiOn whiiCh cauSed My dRowSiinEsS...
Ii dIin eat mUch Of the manGo sliiCes dat dae...
coz mUmmY woUldn'T let... =(

Ah mA dEaR...
SiitiinG there waiitiiNg pAtiienTly 4 hEr cakE...
She wasn't quiite prepared when ii tooK tiis pIic of Her thoUgh...
KiinD of a suRpRiise to hEr...

DunnOe y stePh'S face bEcOme sO blUrriiEd...
@ FiiRst ii tot ii hAd sPoiiLt mY cam...
den when ii TooK iit dUriiNG the b dae celebratiiOn...
Iit was Okii...
SpOoKy n EeRiiE...

Ah mA 86th b DaE

HappI biiRthDae 2 u...
HappIi BiiRthDae 2 U...
HappIi BiiRthDaE 2 Ah mA...
HappIi bIiRtHdAe 2 U!!!
HappIi 86tH BdAe Ah mA!!!
LasT sUn oUr WholE famiiLy mEt uP @ CSC onCe agaiiN 4 DiinnEr...
TiiS tIimE roUnd wAs To CeleBrate ah Ma'S 86tH BdaE...
AfTer DiinnEr...
We went to pLAy PooL 4 an hr...
B4 gOiinG bAcK Hm to Cut thE b Dae cake...
GoR goR went pRimA dEli to Buy A mAnGo CaKe...
Coz ah Ma lOves ManGoes lOAdS...
So tiiS cake suIits her best...
wHiilE siinGiiNg the bdae song...
all her grandchiiLdreN crOWded ard her...
She was sO hAppY Dat dae...
May Her lIiVe to A riiPe oLd agE...
HopEfuLly she can c uS all Get marriiEd n shOweriiNg her wiif plEnTy of gReaT gRaNd- cHiilDreN...
But fiiRst to get marriiEd of coz mUz b JiiE jIie...
P.S.: JiiE jiiE; u Got mY hiinT??? =p

My LiiTtLe CouSiiN- JoEl DaviD

He iiS jOel DaviD...

JoHnAthAn'S kiiD bRo...

My CousIin...

Our techniiCIiaN iiN mY faMiilY...

aNiI pRobS wiiF mEchaniIC...

We wiiLl surE to gEt hIim to hElp uS soLve...


SiinCe yoUng hE hAs bEen cUriioUS bOut mEchaniiCs n How theY woRk...


He iis oso oUr famiiLy WonG hEi...

The HK acTor...

Dad sAes hE resemBle much Lyke woNg hEi coz of hIis small Eyes...


Thursday, April 23, 2009

My RelAtiiVeS n Ah Ma

ThE 2 OlD lAdiiEs on thE lEft r mY gReAt aunTiE n hEr siiS...
tiiS iiS oSo takEn a lOng TiimE aGo...
jUz dAt ii Do nOt hV tiiMe tO uPlOad...
c mY grEat auNtiiE olDer den mY gRandmA...
But shE's oso sTronGer den HEr...
tHus mY pArEnts alL asK mY aH mA to lEaRn mOre fRoM heR...