StePh's plAyliiSt

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Monday, April 27, 2009

Ah Ma eAtiiNg hEr caKe 1; 2 N 3

Her cakE dRoppEd On hEr shiirt...
Dats y she lOoked doWn to c wheRe iIT wAs DiiRtiiEd...

SloWly n CarefUllY shE tRiied to Put a small PiiEcE iiNtO hEr mOuTh wiiF dRiiNk By hEr siiDe 4 her to siiP whiiLe eatiiNg...

Ah mA goT her biiGgEst sLiicEd b' Dae cake fRom Gor GoR n Started eatiiNg iit...

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