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Tuesday, April 28, 2009

LiaNe aNd Her FamiiLy

Y thE 3 oF them Were lAughIing...

SiiMplY b Coz zAc dIin nOe whErE shLd hE facE as mAnii Cameras Were oN hIim @ dAt TiimE...


Zac n TaSha r LiaNe'S cHiilDren...

LiAne iiS mY bOss @ ShAwS...

WhiiLE LucY iiS the biig BosS...


ZaC n TaShA...

LiAnE's mUm n gRaNdChiilDreN oF lUcY...



ZaC n AlpEsH...

TheY weRe cUttIinG TashA's 1 yr oLd b Dae CakE after sIingIiNg the b' dAe sOng...

AfTer the siinGiinG oF the b Dae sOng...

iits tIiMe to BloW the candles...

So Zac vOlUntEeRed to HElp hiiS liiTtlE siiS bLow the CandlEs...

So SweeT!!! ")

TakE 1 oF blOwiiNg the canDle...

Zac mAkiiNg A wiISh 4 TasHa...

ZaC wanTed to sIing the 'ZoO' b Dae sOng...

ThuS we gOt to JoiiN iiN the siiNGiiNG toO...


HappY b Dae to U...

HappIi b Dae tO u...

HappIi b Dae tO u...

HappIi b Dae To TaShA!!! ")

TeAchErs oF sHaWs were iiNvIited to CelEbrAtE bAbY TashA's 1 yR oLd b Dae @ the SinGapOre SwiMmiNg cLub lAst sat...

LianE bOoKed a WesTerN restaUranT NameD JacKsOn MillEr...

N the LuncH was ex As well As exquiiSiiTe...

YumMy!!! =p

MosT of The tEacHers fRom ShaWs MouNtbAtTEn N BraddEll wiiF lIanE aS wElL aS hEr FamIilY dUriiNg the LunCh BuFfEt @ JAcKsOn MiLleR...
c hoW chEeRy EvErYboDy WeRe...

LiAnE n Her bAbY pRiiNcEsS- tAshA...
ChAttIinG hAppIilY AwAe wiiF mIiSs LeO...
SeeMs lyke dAt dAe evErY 1 woRe blAcK...
IinClUdiiNg StEpH mYseLf...

zAc n TasHa plAyiiNg @ The pLAyRooM whiiLE the aUlts Were eatIiNg...
c How enJoYiiNg zaC was PlayiiNg wiiF hiiS kIiD siiS... ")

Tiis pArt was actuallY an accIiDenT...
Ii Had wanTEd Zac to Tk pIic together wiif tasha...
so 4 a perfect brOthEr- siiSterLy lOve...
Zac triiEd to hUg TashA n aTteMpTed tO pUll hEr tO hiiS siiDe...
buT to No AvaiIl...
CoZ tashA triIEd tO bReak FreE fRom hIiS tiiTe hUg...

tHe 2 mAiiDs n thE 2 KiiDs...
AunTiiE mAgDaLeNe n tAsHa...
HeiDi TiiTa ( flIilIiPiInO wOrD 4 AunTiiE) n Zac...

AunTiiE mAgDalenE n TashA...
AuNtIiE mAgDalenE iiS LuCy'S mAiiD hU hAd woRked iin the famiilY 4 a lOnG tiiMe...

HeiDi n Zac...
HeiDi hAd bEeN woRkiiNg 4 zAc siiNCe the YouNG bOii wAs bOrn...
So shLd b 3 yRs pLus...

tHe b Dae gaL...
pRecIioUs iiN aLl tHe eYeS oF sHaWs' teacHers...
CuTe n ChuBbY... ")

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