StePh's plAyliiSt

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Sunday, April 5, 2009

LiiTtlE mEii mEii

TiiS liiTtlE gAl hEre iiS NoT mY scH KiiD...
NeiiThEr iiS shE mY cOusiIn...
ii CannoT uPlOaD anii piICs oF my kiiDs fRom scH coz the PoliiCy saYs 'NopE'...
tIiS mEii mEii iis the daUgHter oF thE staLl @ DunMan FooD court...
iI WiiLl tRy 2 fiiNd tiiMe 2 Go n FiinD hEr whEneVa ii m FreE...
bUt mOst oF the tiiMe shE miiTs WinnIe mUcH oFtEn deN mE...
cUte riiTe???
RouNd eYes n cHubbY chEekS...
sHe cAn B chEeKy tOo...
fOllOwiiNg blOgs WiiLl b pIics of Her...
ENjOy CoZ tHey r hiiLaRiioUS... ")

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