StePh's plAyliiSt

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Wednesday, April 29, 2009

SinGaPoRe SwiMmInG ClUb

Part oF the sWiimMiiNg cLub tiIngY...
The mIirrOr jUz oUtsiiDe the cOrrIidOoR...
StePh c the dEsiigN uNiiQuE...
So ii Started my zIi liiaN agaIin...
ConSiidEred iit as A mEmEntO dAt Ii stePpEd FooT iiN tiiS cLuB b4...

Tiis iis the PlayRooM where all the chiIlDren went to plaY when the aDulTs were eatiiNG haPpiiLy awae at JAcKsOn mIllEr...
Tiis iis the Kiids HAveN...
BacK to chiiLDhOod days sooooo gD... :)

TiiS iis part of the biiRd's eye vIiew oF sIngaPore SwiMmIng cLub...
BerIi elegant n classY iis How ii SHld descRiiBe the pLAce...
THus Makes mE feeL kiiND of HosTiiLiiTy iiN iit...
sTiill mY cHinEsE sWiMmIng ClUb iiS mUcH mUcH mOre Beta...
FriiEnDLy n CosY... =p

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