StePh's plAyliiSt

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Monday, April 27, 2009

RanDoM piiCs b4 n AfTer tHE b DaE cEleBratiiOn

StEpH waS bOred whiiLE waiitiinG for the cakE to coMe...
So Ii started zii lIian Agaiin...

StEph TrYiiNg to tk Together wiiF Joel...
But he iis 'Camera Shy'...
So 2 bad...
He shiiFted...
N captuRed iinSteaD wAS Me...
jOel'S bAcK n UnClE jAsOn...

TiiS piiC was taken By MummY...
sO jOel nO choIiCe hV to tk Wiif StePh...

Tiis pArt wAs the MoSt fUnnY oF all...
ReasOn bEiing...
JoEl doEs noT wan to tk Wiif me iinIiTiiAllY...
So He uSed Ah ma's Fan to hiiDe hiiS face FroM the camera...
but stePh WoulDn't let...
thuS whiilE tryiiNG to Snatch...
Ii accIiDentallY bRokE iit...
n Dats y we were laughIing so hiiLariiouSlY...

C even unCle jAsoN oSo lauGhEd @ mY clUmSiinEsS...
ReallIi a gd laUgh...
C hoW oUr mOuths OpenEd tiiLl sO wiiDe...
iiTs a shOcked 4 the both of us...
wE nV kNew the fan was so FragiilE...

StEpH ziI liIaN- iiNg oNce agaiiN After the hEarty lAuGh...
My Eyes lOokEd kIind oF tiiRed ThoUgh...
Coz ii m Siick...
n Was On mEdiiCatiiOn whiiCh cauSed My dRowSiinEsS...
Ii dIin eat mUch Of the manGo sliiCes dat dae...
coz mUmmY woUldn'T let... =(

Ah mA dEaR...
SiitiinG there waiitiiNg pAtiienTly 4 hEr cakE...
She wasn't quiite prepared when ii tooK tiis pIic of Her thoUgh...
KiinD of a suRpRiise to hEr...

DunnOe y stePh'S face bEcOme sO blUrriiEd...
@ FiiRst ii tot ii hAd sPoiiLt mY cam...
den when ii TooK iit dUriiNG the b dae celebratiiOn...
Iit was Okii...
SpOoKy n EeRiiE...

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