StePh's plAyliiSt

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Wednesday, April 29, 2009

LuNcH bUfFeT @ JaCkSoN MiLlEr

TiiS iis tHe dResS cOde u Hv to abIidE to iif u WanNa enTer JAcKsoN mIlLeR...
OnLii FoRmAl dResSiiNg wiiLl b EnTerTAiiNEd...

TiIs iiS whEre Ii Had my LunCh BufFet lAst sAt cElEbRaTiiNg TashA's 1 yR b Dae partY...
Iit was IinViiTed By LiAne...
My BosS iiN ScH...
We hAd to DreSs fOrmAllY...
Iif Not wIill B reJecTed Or asKed to Go bAcK n ChanGe...

StePh FelT sO unCoMfOrtabLe eAtIing @ tiis pLAce...
2 ClasSy...
fElT reStrIicTed...
the fOod whIich ii ChosE was NiicE thoUgh...
QuiiTe the samE as The chiiCken FolDoVer fRoM mAc...

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