StePh's plAyliiSt

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Thursday, April 9, 2009

ShaN hU'S 21St b DaE

TiiS piiC wAs TakEn DuRiinG sHan Hu'S b daE @ DoWnEaSt lAst mTh...

bErii lOng dIin c thEm lE exCepT 4 YvO...

so When we all Miit uP...

We starTed ToKiing bOut oUr sEc sCh dAes...

All the fUn we hAd...

aLl tHe lAughTers n thE chEekY tiiNks we hAd dOne...

To the sch as well As teaChers...

Reallii a gd tiiME sPent daE...

Juz bY chAttiiNg bOut oUr adoLescEnt tiiMes...


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