StePh's plAyliiSt

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Thursday, April 9, 2009

My 3/5 oF mY FaMiiLy mEmBeRs

Ah mA... StEpH... n thE 2 oF uS 2gEtHeR...
aH mA nW gEttIinG olD n mUch mOrE foRgEtfUl Le...
sO muz hurrY tK moRe pIicS wiIF hEr...
LesT iiN FuTuRe no ChaNCe...
BuT sTePh wiiShes her hEalThlY n lOngEViiTy...
muz liiVe to A RiiPe OlD AgE!!!

StEpH... Ah MA... n SenLy...
ii GoT SenLy tO joIiN iiN ThE fUn...
Hu Noes shE so hAppIi to Tk PiicS...
dAt hEr sMiilE sEemS a LiiTtlE oVer ExaggEraTed...

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