StePh's plAyliiSt

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Monday, April 6, 2009

StEpH; YvO n MOS bUrgEr

MOS 15Th AnniivErSarY...
StePh n yvO went to MoS bUrGeR 4 sOme slAcKiiNG tIimE...
So nth bEta to Do...
we Started to caM- wHore...
YvO pLAyEd wiIF mY hP caMeRa n StartEd takIing pIics oF hEr suRrOunDiiNgs...
Tiis iis a NiicE cOmBo of thE 2 Of uS...
bErii LonG dIin tK piICs wiIF yvO le...
sO tiiS iIS thE bEst tiiME to tk Us 2GetHeR... ")

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