StePh's plAyliiSt

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Monday, March 29, 2010

WaTcH fROm SwAtCh

Tiis sWaTcH WaTcH Was GiIVen To Me bY YvO...
As A BelAtEd GiiFt LAsT wEd...
N We WenT OrcHArD sHOp...
EaT n SlAcK...
AfTer So LonG...
DuE tO woRk...
We FiiNAllY MEt Up...
@ the SamE tIiMe...
Ii sAw A BAg FrOm DKNY n deCiIDed To Get iiT sOoN...
NiICe!!! =)

TeDdY BeAr

Tiis CuTe LiittLe TeDdY Was BoUghT bY XiiAo PooH as My B dAe GiiFt...
Iits cUte B cOz 4 the FiirSt tIime...
ii hv seEn A bEar abLe tO BloW thE pArtY bLowEr juZ bY pReSsIinG tHe Heart ShapE iiN thE CeNtrE...
ThanKs... =)

Saturday, March 27, 2010

MeMoRiIEs FlAsH bAcK

Was BroWsiing ThRu 1 Of our FreN'S pRofIilE On FB whEn AlL oF a SuDdEn...
Ii Had tHe UrGE 2 ChecK U Out HoW u HV bEeN dOiiNg 4 tHeSe PasT 2 YrS...
TiiMe FlIiEs reaLly FasT...
U HV OreadIi gRadUatEd uR BsC @ UnIsIm...
N wAd SuRpRiiSeD mE mOSt Was The FacT daT u had tAkeN jOb aS A FlIiGhT aTtEnDaNt!!!
DaT was CoOl...
IitS CoMplEtElY dIiff FrOm Ur pRevIiOuS jObS...
WhiICh OsO meAnT TO SaE daT...
No MAttEr How SmAll SiNgApORe mAyB...
The chAncEs OF gEttIiNg tO c u On tHe sTrEeTs cOiiNCiiDeNtAllY wIiLl B BErIi BeRii SlIiM!!!
CoZ Iif ii M NoT WrOng...
FrOm My UnDersTaNDIiNg...
u r CuRreNtLy sOmeWhErE IiN the MiiddLe EasT...
A diiSt AwAe frOm SiNgapOre IiNdEed...
EnJoYiiNg The LaiID BAcK N CarEfReE lIife WhiicH MosT sIngApOReaNs WuN B ABlE tO EnJoy DuE to The HecTiIC PacE...
Ii ReaLlY MiiSsEd tHosE tIimEs When Ii cOuLd Juz gEt to C u sO reaDiiLy wHen U Were stIiLL wOrKiiNg thEre...
caTcHiiNg Up WiiF U n ChAt whiiLe U wErE oUt SmOkiiNg...
ThOu ii nOe dAt dUrIiNg DaT tIiMe...
VeRy CleArLy...
U HAd nO IinTeNtIiOns oF WaNtiiNg To pRoCeEd OuR R/S aNii FuRtHEr...
As U were WoRkiiNg ThEre n Ii On thE oTher HanD...
Ur CliiEnt...
U jUz pRefEr to RemAiiN aS fReNz WiiF mE..
sTiiLl DesPiiTe All ThEsE...
Ii ClUnG OnTo u TiiGhTlY...
NoT WanTiiNg To LEt gO of Anii ChanCes daT cOulD sliiP mE PaSsed...
Ii aSkEd 4 Ur ConTAcT...
u GiiF So ReAdIiLy...
Ii mSG-Ed U...
U rePlIied mE bAcK...
Iin ShOrT seNtEnCes or SomEtIiMEs EvEn Juz A wOrD OnLii...
StIill Ii dIid nOt GiiF Up oR RAthEr...
Ii WoUldN't...
ii Juz WaNna b By Ur SiiDe...
Juz WaNnA nOe HoW u R FeeLiiNg...
Juz WaNt To Noe N UnDerStAnd U BeTA...
All ThEsE sEeMeD 2 MucH 2 U...
Ii DoN'T wIisH dAt U cAn B mY bF...
bUt Was JuZ hOpEfUl dAt u Can Giif Me The ChAnCe 2 B aRd u...
whEn CrUeLtY SeT Me IiN...
U lEfT thE pLaCe...
U SwIitChEd JoBs...
N WoRsE sTiiLl U hUrT mE dEePlY WiiF UR WoRds wHEn dAt TiiME ii asKeD 4 Ur adViice On WhEtHer ii ShLd StUdY PsYcHoLogy!!!...
IiT wAs u WhO GaVe me thE tOt Of Gg Back tO sTuDy oNcE mOrE...
Yet iiT was Oso U Hu nEarLy PeriiShed mY DreAm oF gEttiiNg iiN 2 A UnI...
LucKiily ii Wasn'T dAunTed n StaYed On to My BeliiEfs...
EnRolLiiNg iiNtO TiiS cOuRsE wIiF SMA- SOM...
EdiTh CoWaN uNiVerSitY...
DuNnOE Y...
sEeiiNg Ur FacE oN FB oNcE More...
ThE sMiiLEs Dat U PrEsEnTed iiN evErY PiiCs...
SeeMed MucH mOre HappIiEr n NatuRaL dEn thE TiiMEs wHeN ii KnEw U...
Iis Iit b coz of me dat CaUsEd U tO fEeL IintIiMiiDaTed???
oR wAs Iit B cOz oF the WoRk n StuDy ScHedUlEs whiicH u Hv to mAnAgE @ tHE sAmE tIiME...
Ii DuN WiiSh tO TiiNk BoUt thEsE AniiMoRe...
ThOuGh ii Wiill StIiLl tIiNk Of u OccAsIiOnAllY...
The TiiNgE oF SaDnEss IiN My HeaRt wIiLl StiiLl StAy rOotEd DeePlY...
LiiFe Has 2 MoVe On StIiLl...
SiiNcE U cAn...
As U hAd oReAdIi dElEtEd Me fRoM Ur PhOnEbK...
CoMplEtElY ouT oF uR liiFe...
So Y cAn'T Ii???
Y Do Ii sTiiLl Hv tO B sO PaThEtIIc as 2 gO ViiEw uR pRofIilE n C WaD u hV BeEn Up tO oR iiF u R CuRrEntLy iiN a R/s???
Ii DuNnOe mYsElF eIiThEr...
HiiLarIioUs aIin'T IiT???
Nw u R eNjOyIiNg uR lIIfe FlYiiNg aRd...
BrOaDeNiINg uR hOriiZoNs...
WhIiLe ii M StIiLl StUcK iiN TiiS tEeNy TiiNy rEd dOt bEiiNg A CoUCh PoTaTo...
WaD HuGe DiiFf dO wE hV dAt OnLy Up uNtiIl Nw DeN ii Hv DiiScOvErEd...
SiiLly; SiiLly Me...
Ii StIiLl lYkE uR OvErAlL TiiLl Nw nO mAttEr HoW mUcH wE hV cHaNgEd...
LuRvE Ur mEsMeRiisIinG sMiiLes EsP...
N ii ReAllY mIiz TheM BerIi MucH...
Iin ConClUsIiOn...
Ii WiiSh U All ThE BEsT...
HoPE dAt 1 Dae iiF U EvA gEt tHe ChAncE 2 PeeP IinTo my BloG...
DuN B SuRpRiisEd n OvErWhElEmEd bY My WoRdS wHiicH ii Had DedIiCaTed Esp tO U...
4 U Wiill Nv noE...
pErHapS thE reAsOn 4 My WriiTiiNg oF tIiS...
Was 2 PiiN oUt All mY UnHAppIiNEsS...
YeT @ thE sAmE TiIMe ThoSe sHorT LiivEd hAppY mEmOriiEs oF U...
Iin OrDer 2 4geT u CoMplEtElY...
OuT fRoM The ShAdOw whiicH u hAd OnCe BesToWEd On Me...
N MovE On 2 A mUcH mOre PoSiiTiiVe Wae Of LiiFe...
ThE dReaMs wHiicH ii Had OncE wEavEd 4 U & mE wEre nv EndIinG StOrIies...
BuT nW...
II GuEsS...
Ii sUppOse...
ii TiiNk...
N Ii CoNfiiRm...
IiT's HiiGh tiiMe 2 ReaLlY lEt U Go...
Nv AgaIin...
Ii Wiill TrY...
2 lEt u cOnFuSe mYsElf N My EmOtIiOnS... =)

Monday, March 22, 2010


StaRted mY BsC iIn PsYcHoLogY oN 12/03/2010...
Was so hEcTiiC N TiiReD...
Coz sO far ii Had attEnDed 3 MoDulEs...
NamE HiiStoRy To PSyChOLoGy...
iInTrOdUCiInG pSyChOlOgY...
n rESeArch mEtHoDs tO pSycHolOgY...
liisteNiiNg to LectuRerS n TuToRs r not a PrOb To StEpH thou iit can b TiiriiNG hAvIing to WoRk n stuDy @ the SamE tiiME...
But waD sTePh CoUld Not dIigEst was the AssiiGnMEntS!!!
ThoU each mOdUle OnLii 1 WoRk oR 2...
But cOz gOttA fOllOW the APA gUiiDeLiiNes iiN refErEnCiiNg N CiiTATiIoNs...
MaDe StePh Reallii @ A lOss...
ThUs One After anOther...
The assIigNmEnts PiiLed Up...
N StePh GottA hAnd Iin The fIiRst MoDuLE asSiiGnMent oN the 13th ApRiL!!!
Haven reallIi Started MuCh...
OnLii diId a LiitTle...
Wad m Ii GoNna Do...
StiiLl hv ExaMs to CoME...
So DamN nO lIifE 4 StePh Nw...
nO moRe sHoppIing...
ChiiLliiNg n EatiiNg WiiF mY FreNz...
Ii m so SO SaDdDdD...
ThanK GoD...
Ii Hv a cOusiiN XiN HuI To HelP mE oUt aLiiTtlE wiIf my AssIigNmEnTs dUn she iis currentlY studYiiNg DiplOma...
N she iis oso Not spEciialiiSed iin PsYcholOgy...
She iis mUch More iiNto CouNseLlIing TheraPy...
stiiLl She Iis Able To Help me...
GuiiDiiNg mE alOng...
sO lAteLy B Coz of Me Haviing to hand up mY assiiGnMents...
We miit Up Quiite oFten N diiscuss...
@ the same tiiMe catchIing Up N UpDatIing Each other...
ThankS alOt gal 4 Ur HElP...
Reallii AppRecIIAtiiVe... =)

A dAy oUt

last ThUrs leNa Miit me go Eat StEaMyBoAt @ mY HSe ZhOng Qing SteaMboAt...
dEn we WenT tO ParkWaY sLacK...
Diin Do mUcH dAt Dae...
coZ was cuttiiNg dOwn mY driiNkiiNg HAbIiTs...
sO We Went to Standard PhOto n ChattEd wiif The PpL thEre...
Qiite BoRiing...
4 the fiIRst tiiMe of Our Miit Up Actually...
n We diin tK mUch PiiCs too...
coz her haiir she sae LooKed bErIi CuIi...

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

WiNniE tHe pOoH

ShE iiS xIiao Pooh...

a.K.A wInNiE...

mY GoD sIis...

My pRecIioUs tOo...

ThOugh She OwAes mAkes me AngRy n FruStrAtEd...

20 gg 21 yRs Old tiiS yR...

FiinAllY An AdUlT...

All The Best n Miit Up SoOn!!! =)

A pAsSer By DiiSrUpTiiNg pArkWaY ToiiLeT

DoeSn'T TiiS lOok LykE as Iif A pErSoN iiS tRyIinG To Tk An OvErvIiew Of thE CuBiiCles...
N Ii camE pOpPiiNg By OuT oF noWhErE All of A sUddEn...
BuT Erm...
ShLd cHooSe a BetA pLacE NExt TiiMe RoUnd... =P

ouR sWeEt MiiT Up

Her BloG coNtaiiNIing bOut uS R jUZ sHort cAptIiOnS...

Ii m moRe OF a WorDy PersOn...

ThuS ii ShaLl tK oVer tiis JoB oN HEr bEhAlf N riITe n AbstracT bOuT us...

Last MoN ii mIit up Wiif XiiAo PoOh n toGethEr We went to parKway...
We Ate @ wHerE ii 4GoT lE...
SoRry 4 mY sHort TerM MemOrY...
Den after whiicH we Went tO thE ToIiLEt tO Tk PiicS...
No mAttEr Wad HAppEnS...
No mAttEr hOW mUcH quArrEls We HAd WiIf EacH otHer...
No mAttEr HoW mUch MiiSuNdErStAndIinGs We oncE had...
No MAttEr How muCh We HavE cHange AlOng ThE wAe...
NtH CaN SpOiIl The CloSe BonD LayIing DeeP DowN iiNsiIDe Us...
WoRds cannot b usEd To DesCriiBe hOw MucH We cAre 4 Each OthEr..
So Long As we Noe iit iin oUr SubCoNcIiOuS...
DaT wiill b SuffIicE...

Sunday, March 14, 2010


StEpH was TerriiBlY shAg siiNCe ThuRs...
Coz scH's coNcert was On thUrs Niite n So coIincIideNtaLly...
ii HAd faciial appOiiNtmEnT @ 4.30 Pm...
Thus ii Went there earliier diiSmiiSsiiNg mYsElF @ 3.30 Pm n gg 4 faciial @ an EarlIier tiime of 4 Pm...
HopiiNg dat ii can rush bacK on Tiime @ 6.45 Pm b4 the cOncert started @ 7 Pm...
Howeva so UnlUcKiily...
aPpaRentlY whenEva U wiiShed sMth To Go SmootHly On A hEctiic dae...
ApoLogiiEs dat nOpe iiT wiill noT gO iiNto uR favOr...
mY FaciIAl thErapiist tOld mE dat tiiS Tiime Round my face HAd lOads of StuFf to ExtracT...
OiiL clOg...
BlAcK n WhiiTe Heads...
EtC etC...
N bY the tiiME all Was DonE wiiF the mAsk n FiiNAl maSsagE...
Iit was OrEadii 6.30 pM!!!
Ii quIicKlY ruShed to the bUs sTop iin the Hope dat ii coUld Get a buS to go bacK to GraNdmA's HSe to chANge...
But nO bUs came at all...
sO the oUtcOmE...
ii Was lAte...
Ii reacHEd sCh exacTlY @ 7 pM...
By then...
ii was PersPiiRiiNg pRofUseLy thOuGh ii goT oN a caB desPiite such a near Diist frOm My graNs's to mY woRkplAcE...

Thursday, March 11, 2010

GiiFt FrOm Mrs. FiElDeR

As Mrs. FiElDer wasN't Iin ScH dUriiNg the tiiMe oF mY b dae...
Thus She PlacEd tiis Giift iiN my CuBbY HoLE the Next dae...
ThanKs 4 everyTIinK mRs. FielDer... =)

GiiFt FrOm SaLly GiiM giiM

JuZ aS ii HAd bEeN wAntIing To PurChase...

But dIin MAnAgE to FiiNd 1 Dat Ii fAncY...

sO aS tO plAce My EaRriiNgS rAthEr dEn HAviiNg thEm All TanGlEd uP iiN mY JeWeLlErY BoX...

SweeT cOloUr WhiiCh SuIiTs mY WaLlS...

ThAnKS gIim GiiM...

ReaLlY AppRecIiatE Iit... =)

AsHlEy Meii Meii

TiIs Was the 2nD tIimE ii m TakIing pIics of HEr...
LooK hOw mUch She HaS gRoWn As b4...
a rEaLlY sWeEt LiittLE piiE sHe iiS...

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

B dAe GiiFt FrOm baO cHu JiiE

My B dAe GiifT fRom BaO cHu JiiE bEsIidEs tHe CakE..
liighTniiNg shApEd EarrIingS rEsEmBlAncE of HarrY pOttEr...
Oh GreAt!!! =p