StePh's plAyliiSt

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Sunday, March 14, 2010


StEpH was TerriiBlY shAg siiNCe ThuRs...
Coz scH's coNcert was On thUrs Niite n So coIincIideNtaLly...
ii HAd faciial appOiiNtmEnT @ 4.30 Pm...
Thus ii Went there earliier diiSmiiSsiiNg mYsElF @ 3.30 Pm n gg 4 faciial @ an EarlIier tiime of 4 Pm...
HopiiNg dat ii can rush bacK on Tiime @ 6.45 Pm b4 the cOncert started @ 7 Pm...
Howeva so UnlUcKiily...
aPpaRentlY whenEva U wiiShed sMth To Go SmootHly On A hEctiic dae...
ApoLogiiEs dat nOpe iiT wiill noT gO iiNto uR favOr...
mY FaciIAl thErapiist tOld mE dat tiiS Tiime Round my face HAd lOads of StuFf to ExtracT...
OiiL clOg...
BlAcK n WhiiTe Heads...
EtC etC...
N bY the tiiME all Was DonE wiiF the mAsk n FiiNAl maSsagE...
Iit was OrEadii 6.30 pM!!!
Ii quIicKlY ruShed to the bUs sTop iin the Hope dat ii coUld Get a buS to go bacK to GraNdmA's HSe to chANge...
But nO bUs came at all...
sO the oUtcOmE...
ii Was lAte...
Ii reacHEd sCh exacTlY @ 7 pM...
By then...
ii was PersPiiRiiNg pRofUseLy thOuGh ii goT oN a caB desPiite such a near Diist frOm My graNs's to mY woRkplAcE...

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