StePh's plAyliiSt

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Thursday, March 4, 2010

AliCe In tHe WonDerLanD

2Dae sTePh...

NadiA n Mei XuaN went to KallAng LeisUre pArk wach mOviiE...

AlicE iN tHe WonDerLAnd...

iiT was a NiicE faNtaSy FliiM...

BriinGiiNg aLl of uS bAcK to Our ChiiLDhooD...

as we gOtTa waiit 4 Mei xUan tO kNocK oFf fRom WorK @ 5.15 Pm...

So ii n Nadia went to LeiSuRe ParK fiiRst to BoOk thE tIix...

after SeeIinG all The TiIme SloTs...

We bOth DeciiDed On 7.05 Pm...

B4 dat we waLked ard LeisUre pArk b4 Mei Xuan JoiIned uS 4 DiinnEr @ PasTaManIa...

N there we sPoKe aLot oN scH sTuFfS n The cHiilDren...

bY the tiiMe we had Our DiinnEr...

Iit was Tiime 4 uS to EnTer tHe CiinEmA...

n the shOw enDed at 8.55 pm...

wE aLl wenT bacK hm...

Walkiing n jOkiing ard tO the Bus stop...

Fun n cRazY niiTe...
WiiF Cam WhoRiiNg SeSsIiOnS iiNtO oUr IitIinErY...

StePh lAughed TiiLl wIidE AwAke bY the tIime Ii ReacHed hOme...

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