StePh's plAyliiSt

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Monday, March 22, 2010

A dAy oUt

last ThUrs leNa Miit me go Eat StEaMyBoAt @ mY HSe ZhOng Qing SteaMboAt...
dEn we WenT tO ParkWaY sLacK...
Diin Do mUcH dAt Dae...
coZ was cuttiiNg dOwn mY driiNkiiNg HAbIiTs...
sO We Went to Standard PhOto n ChattEd wiif The PpL thEre...
Qiite BoRiing...
4 the fiIRst tiiMe of Our Miit Up Actually...
n We diin tK mUch PiiCs too...
coz her haiir she sae LooKed bErIi CuIi...

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