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Saturday, March 6, 2010

@ dOwnToWn EaSt

Here r sOme of OuR piiCs at dOwntoWn East BoWliinG cEntre...
We Had so Much fun Ytd...
IiniitIialLy stEpH wasn't dat gd Iin bOwliing iiT iiN...
Howeva after Much TriiEs...
Ii mAnAgEd to Get A fEw PiiNs dOwn...
N bY thE last game...
Ii gOt A sTriIkE!!!
Ii was sO HAppY though bY the end of the 3 games mY armS were AcHiiNg...
seeIing How NadiA ranDomlY thRoW the BaLl doWn the AllEy lOokEd reAllY hiilAriioUS...
bUt stiill she mAnagEd to ScOre sOme PoIinTs toO oCcAsIioNalLy...
GoOd JoB BaO cHu JiiE!!!
JiiA YoU!!!
waIiTiiNg 4 the next SeSsIion wiif her... =)
P.S. Last niite ii felt sO betrayed...
Coz stePh tot oNlIi me...
NaDia n Nora wiiLl b pLayiing...
Hu knoWs iiN the end...
Nora's famiilY came along too...
Of coz dat iinCludEs bAo chu Jiie'S bf...
But apreciiated the fact dat Nadis chatted wiif me thru oUt...
W/o MakiiNg mE fEel too Out of place...
tHanKs... =)

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