StePh's plAyliiSt

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Tuesday, March 9, 2010

9th MarCh 2010

HappY bDae to Me...
HappY b Dae to Me...
HappY B dae to StePh...
HappY b Dae to ME!!!
Todae was StePh's b daE n ii had a surpriise Awaiitiing 4 me at sch...
1st tiink iin the mOrnIing...
tHe mOmEnt ii Stepped iinto the sCh...
All the teacHers whOm ii saw Came towards me n wiiShiiNg mE a Happy B dae...
ii Was quiite surpriised 4 the fact dat they knew my b dae...
B cOz mY b dae cArd wasn't PastEd On the WaLl...
So iits quiite weIird dat sO mAny PpL noE...
Den when Iit was tiime 4 lunch...
Mei Xuan Jiie jIie pOppEd bY iiNto my claz juz to Pas me my giiFt...
IitS a LovElY pAstEl BlUe dReSs n ii lUrvE iit loadS...
Thanks gaL...
Ii got another surpRiise when Nadia triicked me iinto Enteriing Ms. DalE's ClassRoom...
She saiid dat she had forgoTtEn to Relay a Msg to Ms. MorrIs As iiNstrUCted n Asked me to taG AloNg...
n When Ii fOlLowEd Her IiNtO the clAz...
Ii wAs shOckeD!!!
They had oRganiized A b Dae PArtY sURpRiiSe 4 mE...
so mAnii Teachers Were there...
Ms. MorriS...
Ms. Dale...
Ms. NiNa...
Ms. ChnG...
Ms. Tan...
Mei XuaN...
Ms. LucY...
Ms. WhiTeLy...
PriTiKa n Ms. SiM...
They were all there...
Ii was mOVeD to Tears But Ii cOntrOllEd...
They all CrowDeD ard the taBle aFter the CandlEs were lIit...
n hOw cUte can They B...
sIinGiiNg HappY b Dae SoNg to Me iiN diiFf LanGuaGes...
MalAy N ChinEse...
after they had enDed the soNgs...
N mS. MorrIs had saIid the gd lucK Cheers together wiif the other ladiies...
Ii mAde a wiiSh n Blew Out the candlEs b4 cuttiiNg iit n giivIing oUt to All the teacHErs PresEnt...
Nadia Bought me mY fave BlaCk fOreSt Cake as WeLl as anOthEr sMall Heart shAped Cake FrOm Bread taLk...
Iit all went to MoNdae When She weNt ShoPpiiNg wiiF mE @ PaRkWay pArade...
BlUffIinG mE dat shE wAs SupErbLy HunGrY whEre Iin ActuaL fact shE was Juz trYiiNg to SOuND mE oUt for todae'S b Dae baTcH...
AniiWaE NoNethElEsS...
thAnk U sO mUcH LadiiEs fOr the EfFoRt iin KeePIiNg thE pArtY iiN wRaPs...
ReallY AppReciiAte Iit AloT... =)
P.S: Last sUn aUntY shAreN n Her FamiiLy Came oVer To CelEbRate mY b daE...
N we wenT to ClUb FoR diinnEr b4 HeadiiNg bAck HoMe to Cut My FavE CooKiiEs N CreAm IicE cReAm cAkE fRoM SwEnSoN's... =)

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