Ytd after mY woRksHop @ sMa- ScHooL oF mAnAgemEnt...
StepH tOoK a Diirect Bus t0 Parkway PAraDe to miit Li Wen Jiie JiiE...
Iits beeN a lOng TiimE siiNCe ii lAst Saw Her...
Ii reached pArkway @ Ard 6.30 Pm...
n we walkEd ard Parkway fiirst b4 settliing at the hawker centre 4 diinner...
Ii ate chiicken riice whiile jiie jiie ate onlii tau huay...
cOz she iis A vegetaRiIan...
But there wasn't a siingle stall selliing vegetariian food...
tHus she had to make do wiif tau huay fiirst...
b4 gg to a cake shop buyiing a waffle...
After diinner...
we went back to Parkway...
N there...
stePh went tO nIke n bought a dRiink bottlE so dat ii can briing iit 4 my niite claz...
Ii hv been eyeiing iit 4 quiite some tiime...
Nw ii fiinallY make up my miind to get iit coz of my lectures...
After gettiing iit...
we walked for a whiile more b4 settliing down @ MOS BuRger 4 a driiNk...
jiie jiie dun wanna driink so onlii me...
Steph n her fave IicE mIilK tea...
Wiif moRe MiiLk...
YuM YuM...
We sat down n chatted...
Iit was niice chattiing wiif her...
Updatiing each other on wad we had been doiing...
tOkiing bout my workplace as Well As the course ii m takiing...
By the tiime iit was tiime 4 us to sae gd byes...
Iit was oReadii 9.30 Pm...
n we sae to kiip iin contact agaiin... =)
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