StePh's plAyliiSt

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Wednesday, March 10, 2010

stEph n Her DriinKiiNg KhAkii

ytD sTeph Miit lEna BaO Beii Go EaT StEaMbOaT @ BuGiS B4 HeadIiNg DoWn BaCk to pArKwAy To DrIinK...
All thanks to HEr...
She iIS My DrIink trAiiNiInG KhAkIi...
luRvE hEr tO bIiTs...
*mUaCkZ!!! =)

Ytd was the FiiRst TiImE ii VoMiiTed after dRiiNkIinG...
coz of the Gas ii hAd takEn IinTo My BodY fRom ExceSsIiVe DriinKiInG fROm PePsI @ the SteAmBoAt PlAcE...
plUs ThE bEeR wHiiCh Ii HAd guLpEd dOwN...

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