StePh's plAyliiSt

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Saturday, March 6, 2010

All'S woRth IiT

TiiS red mark On mY KnEe cap was caused By the Run n chase At the BowliiNg cOrrIidOor ytd when Nadia trIied catchiing me...
Coz wHen nAdia was tryiing to throw the ball dOwn the Alley...
Seeiing n thiinkiing dat iit woUld b a striike...
Iin the end iit wasn't...
Iit turned out to b gg iinto the diirectiion of the draiin...
N iit was so funny dat she sae ii briing her unlucky wheneva ii tot would b lucky...
so Dats how everytiink went bout regardiing the red mark...
as ii was not careful whiile jumpiing over the bag...
ii hiit the chaiir at the same tiime...
ClumsY stEph...

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