StePh's plAyliiSt

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Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Us N OuR yUmMiiLiiCiiOuS sTeAmYbOaT

YtD wE WenT tO buGis fOr steamBoat diiNner n bao Beii toCked Me oUt of My cAsH...
KiiNd oF TakIing RevEngE as She FrequEntLy Got AsKed tO treAt PpL Eat dUriiNg Her BiiRtHDayS...
After dIinNEr...
We Were all So fUll dat we went iiNtO PArCo'S toIilEt...
b4 startIing OuR cAm WhoRiiNg AgaIin...
Bao Beii was HAviiNg sO much Fun UsIinG mY cam As thE effEcTs maDe her looked berii SlIiM...

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