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Saturday, January 3, 2009

ThaNks Gal

We haD manii wOnderFul mOments TogEthEr...

u noe wat I mean...

w/o haviiNg 2 tOk...

we wiill noe Wad EacH of Us iis TiiNkiiNg...

sO ii siit back and relax n turn on my screen...

to my dear fren YvO hu noEs jUZ waD to Sae to Make mY streSses Go n tRoubLes fAde aWae...

My Fren yVonnE...

u're always there for me...

wheneva ii feel blue...

u r there bY mY siide whEn ii wanna go ShoppIing...

Takiing cAre of mE n treAtiiNg mE juz lYke ii BeloNg to a Part of Ur Famiily...

ii noe our friiendship iis true...

we hv been frenz siince sec sch days...

our hopes...


n dreams hv been shared...

thoU we came from diiff wAlks Of liiFe...

But we shAre a coMmoN bOnd whIich nO oNe cAn BreaK iit up sO EasiilY...

Our fRiiendsHiip had Been TesTed B4...

N we bOth kNew dat iIT coUld b Wiith stAnd fRom alL CalamiiTiiEs...


ii hv grOwn so FonD of U...

Thanks 4 beiing by stePh's siide wheneva ii nIid u...

ii m Touched n Glad for ur ConTiiNuouS suPpoRt u Hv GiiveN 2 sTePh... =)

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