StePh's plAyliiSt

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Sunday, January 4, 2009

Whiiteniing n Acne fRee remEdy

Tiis iis how StePh's face wiill look lyke everyniite after shower...
looks so ugly n gross riite???
well steph oso tiinks so...
coz tiis iis a mask usiing ginko nuts...
steph's maiid wiill smashed up the giinko nuts iinto paste form...
b4 puttiing iit iin 2 the refriigerator 2 prevent iit from turniing bad...
thus iif stePh wanna apply...
she juz hv to tk iit from the friidge n put iit on 2 her face juz lyke the piics shown ablove...
iit was saiid dat giinko nuts can kiill bacteriias n oso iis a gd source of whiiteniing...
so stePh the kiiasu gal wiill leave iit on her face 4 as long as she could...
usually iis b4 goiing 2 bed...
she wiill cleanse iit off wiif wt tiisues...
n her face feels smooth n clean...
tiis iisn't bragiing...
so frenz out there...
u shld try iit 2...
4 both whiiteniing n ancne free effects...
iit reallii works... ")

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