StePh's plAyliiSt

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Saturday, February 27, 2010

My LuRvE iiS 4 U

NoT iin a r/S...
So nO nIid AsK hU daT gUy iiS...
DefIinIitElY nOt!!!
Juz dat nw m EnJoyIing lOAds of tiIme to Noe PpL...
fRom mAnii PlacEs Ard the WorLd...
But amOng TheM...
StiilL thErE iiS A cErtaIiN sOmEoNe hu StEph WannA noE even BetA...
ThOuGh KnoWiinG dat iiT wUn WoRk oUt bEtwEen Us...
BuT jUZ bY hIis siiDe...
SeeIing hoW serIioUS he iiS wHen WorKiiNg...
how hE diiStuRbs Me whEn ii m sneaKiiNg pEekS at Hiim...
How hE lUrVes To mEss up mY hAiir n HiittIing mY hEad...
N whEneva ii try TO flAtTeN mY hAiir bAcK tO the oRiiGiinaL lOok...
He Sure wiiLl trY tO cOntrOl Hiis lAughterS 4 A feW miiNs But iiN the End burst OuT lAugHiiNg LouDlY n UnConTrObAlly...
How ii Lyke the waE he TriiEs to B reAl cRosS wiiF mE whenEva ii sAe oR diiD sMth WrOng...
How he iiSn't angRy wiiF mE lyKe mOst Other GuyS sUre wIill DO when ii MesS hIis haiir iiN rtN...
AllOWiiNg mE to Do iiT AgAiiN n AgAiiN...
hOw ii lYke hIis SofT tEnder HanDs ReSeMblAncE oF thOSe oF a bAbY's sKiin to b lAyiiNg on my sHouLDers...
How he wiill massAGe mY sPiiNe nEar my NeCk AreA iIn Up n DoWnWarDs MotIioNs...
How ii LyKe to sNuGgLe Up near tO hIis LeaN BoDy...
How ii LyKe The mIixtuRes Of Hiis LiingeriiNg sMell Of Hiis CiiGaReTte on hiiS pErfUmEd ShiiRt...
How He wOulD plAy wiiF mY EyE lAsHeS thoUgh they r So Short whEnEva ii m Iin A daZe...
How hE wiiLl TrY to Crack jokEs iin thE hope Dat ii WiiLl lAuGh bUt was FaIilEd aTteMpTs mOSt of the Tiime as Ii dUn lAuGh dat easiily bY tiis kIind Of Lame jOkes...
How HE feel sO dEjEcted By the TiiMe ii Left hIim n Oso whEn ii m OwAes At the OppOsiiNg enDs wiiF hIim...
ToKiiNg bAck at hiim whEn ii Noe ii ShouLd noT...
hoW ii lykE to ConStantly Hiit hIis face wheneva hE sayS dat hE iiS tOo Tall 4 mE to Reach hIis hAiir...
Den to SloWlEr mOvEmEntS oF lOViiNg tenDernESs cIirCliiNg rOund hIis face n looKiiNg iintently iinto EacH other'S eYes w/O bOtheriiNg of wad other Ppl mAy cRiitIicIise oR looK...
How he wIill SloWlY bReathE dOWn hard nEar my ear areas when tOkiiNg to Me...
wHiicH wiiLl Send BuTterfliies FlYiInG arD aIimLeSsLy iiN my sTomacH...
How he asked iif ii caN b hIis Gf n wiill waiit 4 a rePly from mE nO mAtter how Long the ans wiill tk...
N mAnii Other BeautIifUl TiimEs Ii hAd Spent wiiF hIim whIich ii enjoYed berIi mucH...
the sMiirK On hiiS face when ii was caught off Guard wHen LooKiiNg @ hIim Etc...
hoWeva nOnetheless...
tHese can oNlIi B iin my dreams...
nv to B abLe to Come tRue...
as A gUy lyke hiim...
ii m sure he has manii suiitors n wiiLl use the same tactiics on anii gals whOm he fanciies...
sO ii m not gg to Piin anii Hopes on hiim...
Juz tryiiNg to B calM n NoRmal as how ii usuallY doEs...
w/O wantiiNg tO reaLlY faLl iin LuRve wiIf Hiim...
But EnJoYiiNg thEse lOveY doVeY mOmEnts WiiF hIim w/o anIi r/S mattErs iiNvolVed... =)

SiiMpLy StEpH

TiiS iiS hoW sTePh LooKs lyKE w/O mAkE Up On...
So darK...
CoZ of the frequEnt SuN exPosUre whEn bRiiNgIing the cHillDren oUt to pLAy...
everYoNe sae ii look berii diiff wiiF mAke Ups On...
Do ii???
ii m StiiLl mE...
wAntiing a SiimPle lIifE...

ViCtOriA n StEpH

TiiS pIic was taken iin the toIilEt when we were WaiitIing 4 aLly...
the gals ( hEleNe n VictOriA ) wanna Tk PiicS wiiF aLlY...
Thus Ii got vIc to Pose a piic wiif me as ii Found out dat ii HAd noT taken anii Wiif hEr Yet...

SiiMpLy HEr

She was tiired oF pOsiiNg wiiF all Of uS...
Thus she requEsted On takiing iit OnlIi alOne...
OnlIi to fIind dat sHe lOoked BerIi HorriiBle...
N kIip Sayiing dat she's Berii Fat...
Iis shE???
ii doUbt sO...
Dun b tOo paraNoIiD oVer Ur Body Okii???
Tk Care!!! =)

AllY n HeR nEw FrEnZ

Takiing Piics together Wiif AllY iiN the ToiIlet waS siimplY nOt enUff...
So we bRought iit Over iiNto the RooMs where we were HAviing oUr DiinnEr...
LooK how happY mY liiTtlE pRiiNcEss was dat niite...
She Looked Juz lyke a star...
ShiinnIing So bRiightlY amoNg oTherS...

HelEnE n StePh

Diiff AnglEs...
DiiFf PosEs...
SamE pPl...
HelEne n StePh...
But moStlY wAs takEn bY mS. HelEnE...
IiDeaS oF whEn n WherE tO Tk oSo CamE fRom Her...
Ii m Juz accOmOdatiiNg wiIF hEr...

DiinNeR wiiF mUmmY @ AjiSen RamEn

TiiS was The receiiPt of our mother N daugHter diinNer date At PaRkWaY pAraDe...
N ii Was Happy to B AblE to Hv my Peach n sesamE mOchIis...
But was quiite upset cOz ii WasN't able to eat my spiicY miiSo ramen as ii was eatIing wiif mUMmY!!!!
owaes when eatiinG wiiF mUmmY...
Sure to hV pRos n CoNS...
pRos wiill b wadeva ii wan...
MummY pAyS...
but ii m not alloWed to eat Anii iicY oR sPiiCy stuFfs...
Dats the cOns...
As she says iit wiiLl cause heatiiNess n ii Wiill get cOughS n fuS iiF ii eat or DrIinK tOo muCh...
Ii m Happy to B aBle to Eat aliiTtlE biiT of MocHii...
N dat wiill B SuffiiCe... =)

SheRyl's Last Dae

lasT fRii...
Not oNlii Was iiT mEi XuAn'S 24th BdAe...
IiT was Oso SheRyl'S lAst dae @ Eton HoUse...
MarJoriE is coMiiNg bAck frOm Her mAterNiitY lEave n oSo shErYl wiiLl b StartiiNg hEr CouRsE sOoN @ NAFA...
sO gd lUck to u...
thougH ii Dun really noE her well...
but she iiS a Pleasnat n sweet Gal to b Wiif...
owaes hAviing a sUnshIine smIile oN hEr Face...
Ii n mei xUan GonNa mIiz hEr...

My nEw nEcKlaCe

TiiS nEcklacE was boUght By muMmy from xUe cOllEcTiiOn after Our DiinnEr...
Ii diiN ask her to Buy...
But mUmmy oWaes luRve to buy liiTtle sweeT accEssOriiEs 4 stePh wheneva ii m Out wiif her...
shE diid Not even ask me iif Ii waN thEm Anot...
She wiiLl juz pretend to sae heLp her chooSe a PiieCe n Iin the End telliing mE to get mY oWn oNe iinSteaD...
ThAnkS alOt mUm!!! =)

Mei XuaN'S 24tH bDaE

HaPpY b dae to U...
Happy b Dae tO u...
Happy b Dae to XuaN jIie JiiE...
HappY 24tH b Dae tO U!!!
Last frii was Xuan Jiie jiie'S b dae...
so nadia n ii went to pOlar cake shop n got her the tiiNy heartsHapEd cake...
Whiile the sch got her the biig onE...
She was shocKed n suRpriiSed by the Party...
As we all kept her iin the darK...
n was toUched to Tears...
She could juz sae thanks contiiNuouSly...
we had Fun aniiwae...
DiistuRbiiNg hEr thRu out the pArty... =P

CuT; cuT; CuT n MoRe CuT

YtD steph went to FiInD jAcK dO treatmEnt...
After treatment he AskEd iif Ii wannA cUt my HAiiR sHorTer agaIin n Ii ReadIilY sAiiD yEs...
sO tiiS wAs hOw my hAiiR looks Lyke fRom the frOnt...
BaCk n SiiDe...
Much mOre cOolIinG TiiS wAe..
At the same tIime HaviiNg lOadS of Fun juz beiiNg wiiF hIim... =)
N ii Juz cOulDn'T GeT eNuff oF HiiM...

Thursday, February 25, 2010

@ uNcLe John'S hSe

last Sat...
Ii n DadDy went to Hiis swiiMmiiNg clUb'S fRen's hse 4 CNY gatHeriiNg diiNner...
B4 gg There we went to Marine pAraDe cenTraL there Fetch another famiily...
Uncle tan n hiis 2 GrandsOns...
JoshUa n NichOlAs...
Joshua iis 14 tiis yr studyiing @ yu yiNg sec...
whIilE niC hu iis 14 tiis yR...
Studiied iin another sec sch whiich ii had forgotten the name...
At fiirst ii diid not tok to the 2 boiis...
thOugh ii had seen them last year oso @ uncle jOhN's gatHeriiNg...
ii n dad juz ate our diinner...
howeva ltr iinto the niite...
As stePh began to driink more bEer...
Ii happened to c the 2 young chaps driinkiing too...
Ii waLkEd towards Them n Nic sae how bout haviing a challenge to c hu driinK the beer fast wOulD b the wIinnEr iiN Juz onE guLp...
Ii toOk Up the cHallEngE n AccEptEd iiT readIilY...
SooN tHe taBle was fUll of bEeR CanS...
n By the tiiMe we hAd to LeavE...
StePh's n Joshua's face were all Red...
But on the other hand...
Nic hu juz drank a liittle was dead drunk...
n kiip tokiing rubbiish...
So hiilariioUs...
Steph n joshua were coNstantLy laughiing at hIim all the wae...
Sayiing dat he was sot n dRunk...
aFter wE hAd sae byE bUaiiS to One another...
Nic sae dat we wiiLl cOnTiiNue wiiF oUr dRiiNkIing cHAllEngE nExt cNy as he wantEd to BeAT Us DowN...
Gd lUcK to U thEn Nic!!!
hAd sO mUch fUn dat niiTe...
DriiNkiiNG sO mUch N EnJoYiinG oNesElf W/o daDdY nAggiiNg doWn mY nEck Wiif my DriiNkiiNg... =)

Sunday, February 21, 2010

To Mr. N mRs. Ng'S hSe

Last fRii StePh had a cNy DiinnEr at mY boSs's placE loCated @ King AlbErt PArK...
TheiiR hse was So huge n nice...
Juz lyke a palace...
Oh mY...
Wad a lOvely plAce...
Much mOre spAcIioUs then Ah ma hsE...
Ii lyke the sPacE...
Diin eat mUch thoUgh...
Coz was Bz exPloRiing the HSe...
N oSo Not 4gEttiiNg...
Ii Juz lUrve iiT...
ReD wIiNE...
WhiiTe WiinE mIixEd wiiF 7- Up...
N tiGer BEer 4 A rOarIing Year...
dRank quiite aBiiT...
All the Wae tiiLl 10 Pm when iiTs tIimE 4 mE to Go Off...
But tiis tiiMe Round ii ReaLlIi aiin'T dRuNk...
Wad a sUrpRiise...

Saturday, February 20, 2010

2Nd DaE oF CnY

2Nd DaE of CNY...
We diiD noT go AnywhEre 4 viisiitiinG coz Aunty Sharen N hEr famIilY came oVer to ViisiiT...
After siittIing dOwn 4 awhiiLe...
We went to CHinEse sWimmInG cLub 4 lUnch...
There we OrDerEd loTs oF fooD...
stePh ate 2 plates of western food...
onE griilLed chiickEn tuRnoVer n tHE NEXT WAS HoNEy gLaZed HoTdoGs...
Oh GosH!!!
By The tiiMe ii FiinIishEd up everYtIink IincLudiiNg mY vaniiLlA mIilKsHaKe...
StePh was aLl BloAted uP n fUll!!!
TiiLl ii coUlDn't Not even waLk pRopErlY...
After the LuncH we bAde each other Gd bYEs n Mum sUggEstEd we go Viisiit 四舅母 n faMiiLy...
Heavy lUncH ii HAd dat when ii went there...
Steph felT lYke SlEePiiNg...

GoiiNg OfF To Ah Ma HsE bAii NiiAn

After 四婶婆's hSe...
we headed off tO oUr lAst stOp...
To aH ma'S hsE bAi NiiAn...
There ii saw all my CousiinS oNCe agaiiN...
When stePh was At 姑婆's Hse...
They were there as well...
So iinstead of them serviing us food...
Tiis tiiMe rouNd was sTePh's turN...
wHen aLl'S dOne...
We sat dOwn anD chatTed b4 they suggEsted On trYiing oUt the lIifT...
Most of mY cOusiiNs n AuntY wEnt except 4 sTePh...
They Had a fUn n EnjoYablE tiiMe juz gOiing Up n Down the LiiFt...
TheY saiID dat iit was cOol to Hv a lIift buiiLt iin tHe Hse...
Iit was fUn nOnethElEss...
We sat down To tOk untiiLl Biig UnclE jAcK caMe...
At ard 5 Pm PluS we went bAck hM...
BadiiNg eacH other GooDbYeS n sEeiing eacH otheR agaiiN the Next ChiinEsE New YEaR...

B4 CNY miiT Up WiiF BaO bEii

DaT ThuRs NiiTe...
We diiD noT driiNk...
IinstEad we went to NTUC FaiRpRice n B0ught YoGhUrT DrIinKs n fRuiiT jUiiCeS iiNStead...
Fiirst off We went to Eat Our Fave cHiickEN Riice...
Den headed off to Buy oUr DriiNks b4 waLkiiNg oVer to MarIne CreSceNt nearbY NeiighBoUrhOoD to Siit DowN n SlacK...
ChattiiNg n Of COz caM WhoRiing...
Howeva BaoBeiI WarNed mE b4 HAnd noT to tK pIics of her...
As She dun wan Her cErtaIin SoMeoNe to Noe Dat she's Wiif mE...
Thus nO cHoiice...
Ii juz tk On mY oWn...
ThoUgH we r not driinkIinG...
stIill ii SpOke as iiF ii M DrUnk...
LaughiiNg aLl tHe wae TiiLl the Bus CamE...