NoT iin a r/S...
So nO nIid AsK hU daT gUy iiS...
DefIinIitElY nOt!!!
Juz dat nw m EnJoyIing lOAds of tiIme to Noe PpL...
fRom mAnii PlacEs Ard the WorLd...
But amOng TheM...
StiilL thErE iiS A cErtaIiN sOmEoNe hu StEph WannA noE even BetA...
ThOuGh KnoWiinG dat iiT wUn WoRk oUt bEtwEen Us...
BuT jUZ bY hIis siiDe...
SeeIing hoW serIioUS he iiS wHen WorKiiNg...
how hE diiStuRbs Me whEn ii m sneaKiiNg pEekS at Hiim...
How hE lUrVes To mEss up mY hAiir n HiittIing mY hEad...
N whEneva ii try TO flAtTeN mY hAiir bAcK tO the oRiiGiinaL lOok...
He Sure wiiLl trY tO cOntrOl Hiis lAughterS 4 A feW miiNs But iiN the End burst OuT lAugHiiNg LouDlY n UnConTrObAlly...
How ii Lyke the waE he TriiEs to B reAl cRosS wiiF mE whenEva ii sAe oR diiD sMth WrOng...
How he iiSn't angRy wiiF mE lyKe mOst Other GuyS sUre wIill DO when ii MesS hIis haiir iiN rtN...
AllOWiiNg mE to Do iiT AgAiiN n AgAiiN...
hOw ii lYke hIis SofT tEnder HanDs ReSeMblAncE oF thOSe oF a bAbY's sKiin to b lAyiiNg on my sHouLDers...
How he wiill massAGe mY sPiiNe nEar my NeCk AreA iIn Up n DoWnWarDs MotIioNs...
How ii LyKe to sNuGgLe Up near tO hIis LeaN BoDy...
How ii LyKe The mIixtuRes Of Hiis LiingeriiNg sMell Of Hiis CiiGaReTte on hiiS pErfUmEd ShiiRt...
How He wOulD plAy wiiF mY EyE lAsHeS thoUgh they r So Short whEnEva ii m Iin A daZe...
How hE wiiLl TrY to Crack jokEs iin thE hope Dat ii WiiLl lAuGh bUt was FaIilEd aTteMpTs mOSt of the Tiime as Ii dUn lAuGh dat easiily bY tiis kIind Of Lame jOkes...
How HE feel sO dEjEcted By the TiiMe ii Left hIim n Oso whEn ii m OwAes At the OppOsiiNg enDs wiiF hIim...
ToKiiNg bAck at hiim whEn ii Noe ii ShouLd noT...
hoW ii lykE to ConStantly Hiit hIis face wheneva hE sayS dat hE iiS tOo Tall 4 mE to Reach hIis hAiir...
Den to SloWlEr mOvEmEntS oF lOViiNg tenDernESs cIirCliiNg rOund hIis face n looKiiNg iintently iinto EacH other'S eYes w/O bOtheriiNg of wad other Ppl mAy cRiitIicIise oR looK...
How he wIill SloWlY bReathE dOWn hard nEar my ear areas when tOkiiNg to Me...
wHiicH wiiLl Send BuTterfliies FlYiInG arD aIimLeSsLy iiN my sTomacH...
How he asked iif ii caN b hIis Gf n wiill waiit 4 a rePly from mE nO mAtter how Long the ans wiill tk...
N mAnii Other BeautIifUl TiimEs Ii hAd Spent wiiF hIim whIich ii enjoYed berIi mucH...
the sMiirK On hiiS face when ii was caught off Guard wHen LooKiiNg @ hIim Etc...
hoWeva nOnetheless...
tHese can oNlIi B iin my dreams...
nv to B abLe to Come tRue...
as A gUy lyke hiim...
ii m sure he has manii suiitors n wiiLl use the same tactiics on anii gals whOm he fanciies...
sO ii m not gg to Piin anii Hopes on hiim...
Juz tryiiNg to B calM n NoRmal as how ii usuallY doEs...
w/O wantiiNg tO reaLlY faLl iin LuRve wiIf Hiim...
But EnJoYiiNg thEse lOveY doVeY mOmEnts WiiF hIim w/o anIi r/S mattErs iiNvolVed... =)