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Wednesday, February 3, 2010

BuBbLeS TiiMe

HeLlO EvEryoNe...
IitS bEeN A LoNg TiiME sIincE ii AppEar Iin JiiE jiIE's blOg...
OnCe agAiiN iiTs buBbLe'S TiiMe aFter My Diinner...
AuNty MaRy n JiiE jiiE oWaEs PrOmiIse mE dat theY wiiLl BrIing Me oUt to PlaY iif Ii fIinIisH uP my poRridGe...
So here r the pIics whIich jIiE jiiE tooK 4 mE whEn ii Was trYiiNg to BloW sOme ReaLly biig BuBblEs... =)

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