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Saturday, February 6, 2010

PuR pUrRrRrR

ThEsE r AnOtHEr sEt OF cLotHEs ii BouGht FrOm PuR pUr...
LatElY ii Hv beeN cOnsTanTly paTrOnIiSiIng PuR pUr @ PaRkWaY PArAdE...
coz tHeiiR nEw ArrIivAls Esp 4 The CNY's Were So LoVeLy n SweeT...
PerHApS as a PeRsOn'S miiNd N tOts BegIin to MatUre...
One's taStE iIn CloTHiiNGs StartEd to DiiFfEr As weLl...
FrOm tOpsHop...
To dOroThy PerKinS...
FolLoWed By m) PhOsiS...
ThEn ManGo...
CoTtOn On...
n Nw puR Pur...
Ii hV AlMost All oF them iin My WarDrObE...
BuT oCcAsIioNAllY ii Wiill sTiill Go baCK tO ThE oThEr ShOpS to c iif they Hv Got AnIi clOThEs dat sUiiT mE...
HoweVa sO far...
There'S nOnE...
OnLii @ pUr pUr...
ThuS nW mY WaRdROBe Iis fIillEd wiiF anotheR BraNd oF cLothEs...
NoNethElEss ii Juz LurvE tiiS kIind oF fEel...
OpEniiNg the CupBoaRd evEry MorNiinGs to c A wHoLE cOllEctIioN oF vaRyIing ClOtheS ii Hv...
M GoiiNG bAcK tO pUrcHase More Next week as the sAles Gal JinG wen Sae theRe'S mOre TO cOme...
~WhEeEeEe~~~ =)
LuRVes ShoPpIinG...
LuRvEs DrIinKiiNg...
LuRvEs mY FamIilY...
LuRvEs mY BeStiiEs...
LuRvEs sIinGiiNg...
LuRvEs EvErYtIinK BoUt MySeLf...
OH datS sOoOoOO sUpErBlY mE!!!

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