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Sunday, February 14, 2010

StEpH's New sHoEs

StePh's 2 pAiirs of nEw PalMs fRom ImAge tWiNs...

Last sat went out shoppIing @ City SquAre mAll Wiif mUmmY n DaDdy...

So whiile dad was buyiing CnY sTuffs @ NTUC after Our lunch...

Ii n Mum Went iinto the sHop to lOok @ shoEs Iinstead n stePh saw tiis 2 pAiirS oF palMs beRii mUch...

coz oF theIir MarooN cOloUrs...

Thus mUmmY bought them dOwn 4 mE after trYiing on Hers As weLl...

thanK u sO muchIie...

EarnEd another 2 PaiirS oF sHoes once More to mY shoE coLlecTiiOn... =)

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