StePh's plAyliiSt

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Saturday, February 20, 2010

B4 CNY miiT Up WiiF BaO bEii

DaT ThuRs NiiTe...
We diiD noT driiNk...
IinstEad we went to NTUC FaiRpRice n B0ught YoGhUrT DrIinKs n fRuiiT jUiiCeS iiNStead...
Fiirst off We went to Eat Our Fave cHiickEN Riice...
Den headed off to Buy oUr DriiNks b4 waLkiiNg oVer to MarIne CreSceNt nearbY NeiighBoUrhOoD to Siit DowN n SlacK...
ChattiiNg n Of COz caM WhoRiing...
Howeva BaoBeiI WarNed mE b4 HAnd noT to tK pIics of her...
As She dun wan Her cErtaIin SoMeoNe to Noe Dat she's Wiif mE...
Thus nO cHoiice...
Ii juz tk On mY oWn...
ThoUgH we r not driinkIinG...
stIill ii SpOke as iiF ii M DrUnk...
LaughiiNg aLl tHe wae TiiLl the Bus CamE...

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