last Sat...
Ii n DadDy went to Hiis swiiMmiiNg clUb'S fRen's hse 4 CNY gatHeriiNg diiNner...
B4 gg There we went to Marine pAraDe cenTraL there Fetch another famiily...
Uncle tan n hiis 2 GrandsOns...
JoshUa n NichOlAs...
Joshua iis 14 tiis yr studyiing @ yu yiNg sec...
whIilE niC hu iis 14 tiis yR...
Studiied iin another sec sch whiich ii had forgotten the name...
At fiirst ii diid not tok to the 2 boiis...
thOugh ii had seen them last year oso @ uncle jOhN's gatHeriiNg...
ii n dad juz ate our diinner...
howeva ltr iinto the niite...
As stePh began to driink more bEer...
Ii happened to c the 2 young chaps driinkiing too...
Ii waLkEd towards Them n Nic sae how bout haviing a challenge to c hu driinK the beer fast wOulD b the wIinnEr iiN Juz onE guLp...
Ii toOk Up the cHallEngE n AccEptEd iiT readIilY...
SooN tHe taBle was fUll of bEeR CanS...
n By the tiiMe we hAd to LeavE...
StePh's n Joshua's face were all Red...
But on the other hand...
Nic hu juz drank a liittle was dead drunk...
n kiip tokiing rubbiish...
So hiilariioUs...
Steph n joshua were coNstantLy laughiing at hIim all the wae...
Sayiing dat he was sot n dRunk...
aFter wE hAd sae byE bUaiiS to One another...
Nic sae dat we wiiLl cOnTiiNue wiiF oUr dRiiNkIing cHAllEngE nExt cNy as he wantEd to BeAT Us DowN...
Gd lUcK to U thEn Nic!!!
hAd sO mUch fUn dat niiTe...
DriiNkiiNG sO mUch N EnJoYiinG oNesElf W/o daDdY nAggiiNg doWn mY nEck Wiif my DriiNkiiNg... =)
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