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Thursday, February 11, 2010

ToTs 2 poNdEr

lateLy sTePh HAs some tots BoUt My FutuRe WhIirlIinG Iin mY MiiNd...
where WoUld StEpH B Iin 4 tiimeS???
When Ii m At the Age of 26 yrS oLd???
m ii GonNa cOntIiNue to Get sTuCk Iin thE cHiilDcArE/ KiinDergarteN iindUstrY???
Or to gEt another new JoB after My deGreE cOmpLEtIioN iIn PsYcHolOgY???
hoPefUlly Ii CaN get A hIigH pAyIiNg jOb Iin tHe pSycHolOgy SecTor tHoUgh Ii hEaRd fRom PpL sAe dAt Iit wOulD b quIite toUgh...
UpOn tIinKiing...
StEpH tIinKs dAt As aGe Iis CaTcHiing ME Up...
ConTiiNuIing 2 WoRk Iin The cHiiLDcAre/ kiinDergarten LiiNe wIilL b tEdiiouS...
As eNeRgy wIill b DraIined off Dae by Dae...
sO doEs One's AleRtNess...
ThuS iits OwaeS gd to hV oTher CapabiilIitiiEs 2 b iiN stOre 4 the fUtuRe... =)

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