StePh's plAyliiSt

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Saturday, February 27, 2010

CuT; cuT; CuT n MoRe CuT

YtD steph went to FiInD jAcK dO treatmEnt...
After treatment he AskEd iif Ii wannA cUt my HAiiR sHorTer agaIin n Ii ReadIilY sAiiD yEs...
sO tiiS wAs hOw my hAiiR looks Lyke fRom the frOnt...
BaCk n SiiDe...
Much mOre cOolIinG TiiS wAe..
At the same tIime HaviiNg lOadS of Fun juz beiiNg wiiF hIim... =)
N ii Juz cOulDn'T GeT eNuff oF HiiM...

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