Todae Ii n NadIa As Well as oTher EtOn HoUse's AsSiiStaNt teAcHer wEnt to EEC @ JalAn AffiFi..
wE weNt Down By caB BoOkeD bY the ScH to Go 4 Our ClAsS @ 1.10 pM...
OnCe We ReaCheD there...
Our LectuReR Ms. HeaThEr...
Got uS to IintrOdUce OursElVeS b4 the class sTaRteD...
DurIing class...
we Were asKed to TiiNk iin the shoeS of the chIildren...
Wad theiir traiits n ChAracters May b...
R they confiident learneRs???
Or r they shY n tiimIid???
Iin the end we hv varYiiNg anS...
From haviing chiildren hu r shy...
Actiive learneRs...
To creatiive...
IimAgIinatiiVe n ExpResSiivE...
Iit was a great diiscussiiOn...
N aFter tiIs we had another qUestIion of Wad rOles shOulD we as a TeAcher act...
Once agaiIn...
We hv manY anS to iIT...
FrOm the Piics We got frOm the tabLe to RePrEsEnt oUrsElveS...
We were aBle to Noe wAd we act as Iin fRonT of the cHiilDreN...
Eiither We r cOacHEs...
To a gUiidE to ThEm...
to b cOmIing nUrTurErS n eDuCatOrs tO Them...
All thesE abOve mEntiiOneD as Ii hV lEarNt...
R bErIi IimpoRtant to THe Both of uS...
the LAst tOk oF the ClasS wOuld b DoiIng About DoIing dOcuMentAtIioNs 4 the chIildren...
tHEre r a few ways of documentatiIonS...
AnEcdOtaL rEcOrDs...
RuNniiNg ReCordS...
TiiME liiNe...
PhOtoGraPhIic RecOrDiInGs eTc...
wE evEn wAtcHed a ViiDeO RecOrD oN the cHiiLDren Iin CalIfOrniA whEre the teachers recoRded dOwn the oBservatIioNs oF them exPloRiing On the TopiC ' WHy dO leavEs Fall '...
Iit Was a verY iinTriiGuIinG doCumEntatIion as ii Can c dat the teachers Really Put iiN a lot of efForts iin reCorDiing dOwn EvErY cHiiLDreN's StaTemeNts oN wAd they had oBsErved bOut thE falliIng Of the leaves etc...
N by the End of the pRojEct...
U can c the hAppIiNeSs n SatiiSfAcTiiOnS the Class haD as they dIiScUssEd wiiF thEiir PeErS ThrougH StOrY TeLlIing n coOkErY...
Iin coNclUsiIOn...
by the end of the Course...
ThoUgH hOw tiiRed How ii Was By the enD of my work n haviing to ruSh straIight 4 tiIs lEsSoN...
NonEtheLesS iiT was a FrUiitfUl oNe as Iit aIiDs me bEta wiiF my FutUre CoMmunIiCaTiiOn Wiif the ChiiLdReN both iin iiNtErAcTiiOns As weLl as DocumEntaTiIoNs... =)
Now after Tiis ii gottA rUsh My dOcuMentatIiOnS on mY ChiiLdrEn...
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