StePh's plAyliiSt

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Sunday, February 21, 2010

To Mr. N mRs. Ng'S hSe

Last fRii StePh had a cNy DiinnEr at mY boSs's placE loCated @ King AlbErt PArK...
TheiiR hse was So huge n nice...
Juz lyke a palace...
Oh mY...
Wad a lOvely plAce...
Much mOre spAcIioUs then Ah ma hsE...
Ii lyke the sPacE...
Diin eat mUch thoUgh...
Coz was Bz exPloRiing the HSe...
N oSo Not 4gEttiiNg...
Ii Juz lUrve iiT...
ReD wIiNE...
WhiiTe WiinE mIixEd wiiF 7- Up...
N tiGer BEer 4 A rOarIing Year...
dRank quiite aBiiT...
All the Wae tiiLl 10 Pm when iiTs tIimE 4 mE to Go Off...
But tiis tiiMe Round ii ReaLlIi aiin'T dRuNk...
Wad a sUrpRiise...

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