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Saturday, February 13, 2010

SiTi'S FaRewElL pArTy

Last FrIi Was SitI's last dae @ eToN hoUSe...

So we HeLd a FarewEll pArtY 4 HEr On thUrs...

As frIi we weRe Quiite ruSh after the mOrniiNg cNy AssEmbLy...

we OrGaniiZed the ParTy @ Ms. FaY'S clAz...

Year 1 KoalAs...

B4 the ParTy Started...

StePh had her diistracted bY asKiing SitI to AcComPanY mE to the toiiLEt...

Den we went back to mY N1 RainBowS claz to chiit chat...

N fiinAllY when All's dOne...

wE pRocEedEd Up...

N when sHe entered...

sHe was SpEeChlEss...

Dat she started to Cry n everyOne croWdeD aRd Her...

TaKiiNg tUrns to Giif HEr cuddLes...

Dear sIti...

Do tk care n RmB to comE bacK to Sch To Viisit Us...

We wiiLl all Miiz U...

EsP mE...

Ur the Other HalF of the Iin SyNc pArTner...

Hu wiiLl b dOiing all the Siillii Para Para Dance wiiF StePh iin FutUre???

Ii reallIi WoNDer...

OuR Up Up...

DoWn DoWn...

LeFt LEfT...

RiiTe RiiTE...


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