StePh's plAyliiSt

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Saturday, January 3, 2009


As sTePh grOws olDer...

shE iis GettIing to uNDerstand certaiin tiinks beta...

sOme tiinkS no mAtter hoW hard sTepH wiishes to hAppeN...

stiiLl no mAttEr wAd iiT stiill CouLD noT b Forced...

n StePh wiill EvenTuallY sTiill cOuld noT gEt the TiiNks dat She Wans...

nv GonNa b the Same agaIin...

No mAtter hOw hard stEpH trIiEs 2 cHAnge 4 The Beta...

wadEva shE had dOne to makE herselF to b a bEta persOn...

bErii sOon shE fiinds dat stiill she iis the Same oldsElf...

thUs nw stEph has cOmpleTely giivEn up oN changiiNg herselF...

she wiill b her ownself...

not Goiin to bother bOut wad Other ppl iis goIin to tiink of HEr...

she foUnd out dat she Can't possiibLy plS evErybOdy...

sOme maY lYke StePh...

bUt there wiill oso b Some hU terriiBLy hAteS sTePh...

Thus iin The past stePh was haviinG headaches hoW 2 plEase everyOne...

HopIing dat EveryBody ard her wiill lYke her...

nw shE jUZ exPects n Hopes 2 fiinD tRue frenZ to truSt n RelY oN...

The rest of the ppl hu prefers to b superfiiciial...

StePh iis nOT goIin to bOther aniimORe n she iis gonna tuRn a bLiind eye n deaf ear to those cOmmEnts...

sO plS ppl Out there...

iif u Dun lYke stePh's attiituDes...

Pls dUn cOme n FiinD stePh 2 cHAt Okii???

Coz stePh oso can'T b boThered to entertaiin u Ppl...

No Offence cOz tiis were sPokEn fRom the BottOm Of StePh's Heart...

ThaNk YoU!!! ")


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