Ytd after siingiing k wiif yvo...
we went to parkwae to shop ard...
fiirst stePh brought yVonne to the faceshop n iintro her the proDucts stePh has been usiing all along...
afterwhiich we went over to RoxY sQuare n hv a sumptiiouS steamBoat diinEr...
StePh's fave steamboat area...
coz of theiir yummY deliiCiiouS toM yUm SouP.. ")
as we eat...
we tok boUt so manii tiinks...
toK boUt guys...
tok bout our sec sch frenz...
toK boUt oUr liiveS n wad we r goiiN to do iin fuTure...
bUt wad strUck StePh mOSt thru out the whole conversatiioN waS TRUST...
stePh wondered...
hv sHE eva trUsteD anii oNe iin hEr whOle liiFe???
wAd exactlY iis trusT all abOut???
stEph tot...
tRust iis a berii ez tiink...
hOWeva as she Grows up n learnt...
fiinally she nOEs dat not everyBody's woRds can b taken iin SeriioUslY...
Not eveN ppL cLose 2 her...
4 hU mIight nOe 1 dae...
eveN clOSe frenz can Hurt u iin A certaiiN wae w/o sTePh's knoWiiNg...
stePh onLii tRust her YvOnnE...
thOugh not owAes StePh wiill Heed her AdviiCe...
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