StePh's plAyliiSt

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Monday, January 5, 2009

HectiiC n TroUblEd DaY

Dear bLoggiiE...

2dae iis stePh's fiirst dae back 2 shaw's after reStiiNg 4 nearLy a week...


Wad strUck StePh bAdlY was dat everytiiNk was iin a complete mess 2dae...

StePh had 2 new kiiDs iin claz todae...

n everytiinK was so fast goiin!!!

StePh diid not pRepare well 4 the lessOn n was stammeriing all the wae...

sOmemore coZ new kiids...

so theiir parents were oso iin thE class...

n tiis make stEph soooo nERvOus!!!

stePh's best partner Shira wasn't here todae...

so thus stePh has to do everytiink by herself wiif the occasiioN hElp froM her Chiinese teacher- DonG lAo shii...

Pls GOD...

hoPefUlly tml shira can come back n tk the class...

den stePh wiill not paniick n do the wrOng tiiNks agaiin...

pRay harD shE geTs weLl sOon from Her tonsiils...

~tiiREd StePh~

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