StePh miit her straiight after work @ ard 6.45 pm den we went to the faceshop 2 purchase some of StEpH's pRoduCts...
n iin the end...
iin there...
stePh spEnt ard $200 plus...
After the FaCesHop...
sTePh suggEsted gOiinG to buy hEr CNY cloThes as well as hEr GranParEnts ComPany DiinEr...
thus we went fiirst to TopshOp...
FolloWed by DoRothy pErkins...
n FiinallY @ doRothy pErkiNs...
StePh foUnd 3 of Her favEs suiitaBle 4 her CnY...
a whIite top n 2 DressEs...
n sHe bOught all of them Down...
sPendiiNg aNothEr $200 plUs!!!
neXT we went back 2 topShop n pUrChAse a pUrplE lEggiiNgs to go wiif the wHiitE ColoUr toP...
Wah reallii BrokE...
thUs oUr cRystAl jAde diiNnEr had to b chAngEd to MOS bURgEr...
iin the end sTepH had to cArrii them hM all By HersElf...
So hEavy Siia...
stiill no mAttEr wAd...
StePh waS Stiill Glad dat she manAgEd to gEt Most of the CloThiings...
nW she iis juz leFt wiif onlIi oNe mOre to go...
wiill coNtiinUe hEr searCh oNce mOre...
P.S. The oTher gReen cOlOur toP dress was Bought @ BugiiS street wiif YvOnne...
But was bOught oN a Diiff dae... ")
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