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Friday, January 2, 2009

My LiiTtlE cOuSiiN- Ally

Tiis iis StePh's PreciiOus liiTtlE bAby cOusiiN...
Nw She iis goIinG 2 iinTro hErsElf ThRu mY bLog...
'Helloo everyboDy... Ii m AllY cHoo Qian Ying... My mUmmy coRs mE Ally; whereas mY daddy cors me eiither Qian Ying oR yIng ying... Ah ma n ah goNg cOrs mE bAby whiile jIie jiie Tian tian ( Hu iis tiis bloG's ownEr... Cors me mEii meii... ) Ii m 1 yr 8 mths tiis yr... May 29 ii wiill be turniing 2 yrs old!!! yEah ii m growiing up so qUiicKlY nw... Haha... EveryBody dotes on mE alot... esp my Parents... Every MorniinG they wiill sure 2 giif me loads of hUggiies n kiissiies b4 they get ready to go to work... My tian tian jiie jiie oso berii gd 2 me... She wiill owaes fiind tiime to come over to my hse n play wiif me... But ii wiill b so eviil n dun let her carry me... b coz of tiis she oso feel berii frustrated... lolx... weLl well ii would juZ lyke to tk tiis opportuniity to sae jiie jiie ii lyKe u 2... juz dat ii stiill shy lahz... giif me somemore tiime to warm up k??? Hee.. *mUackz!!! Next... ii wanna sae dat ii m a berii piicky n fussy eater... dats y u c ii so sliim... n my fave cartoon character iis BARNEY!!! no barney ii wiill be berii sad n angry... coz ii fiind dat BARNEY iis sooooo cute!!! nExt tiime when ii grow up... ii wanna marry mY BaRnEy!!! ") k lahz... ii stop here oreadii... nw ii wanna go 4 my lunch oreadii... iif got chance... wiill come up n update agaiin on jiie jiie's blog... Last but not least... ii wanna thank jiie jiie 4 giiviing me the chance to try out wriitiing bout myself on her bloggiie... =p bYEeeee...'

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