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Wednesday, December 31, 2008

My MummY

StePh n her mUmmY do nOt share a berii close bond together siince sec sch...

steph's mummy has hiigh hopes on steph's studiies...

but sad to sae steph duriing sec sch tiime...

has no iinterest iin studyiing @ all...

thus steph's mummy nagged @ her almost everydae n tiis make steph berii fed up as well as frustrated...

though nw steph has gone to work...

n stopped studyiing 4 the moment...

but her mummy stiill contiinues her naggiing on other stuffs...

Wad stepH can do nw iis onLii to turn a deaf ear to her constant naggiings...

liisteniing to those dat r suiitable 4 heariing...

despiite all these...

steph's mummy stiill dotes her alot...

buyiing tiinks dat steph's lykes berii much whenever mum n daughter go shoppiing together...

nv The less...

StePh iis ThankfuL to HEr too...

Glad dat she Can TolErate StePh's nAstY teMper...

*HUGGiIEs 2 MuMmY!!!*

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