StePh's plAyliiSt

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Saturday, January 3, 2009

~pHeW... Wad a ReliiEf!!!~

wad a reliief...
fiinally reallii after much discusiions wiif SteaPh's parents...
iin the end they stiill tiink dat goiin 2 bradell iis 2 far a journey 4 StePh...
thus they told stePh 2 tell biIg bosS dat iits 2 tediious 4 me to go...
n dat ii wiill lyke to contiinue stayiing @ mOunTbAttEn to wOrk iinsteAd...
tiis wae StePh niid nOt wakiie sO eArlY iin The mOrniing n rUsh lYke mAd...
iin fact sTePh iis a rd diirectiion iidoiit...
haviing not iin the least of sense of rd diirectiions @ all...
thus StePh stiill pRefeR staYiing @ heR famiiLiiaR n cOmfOrtaBlE plAce...
plAces 2 faR awae 4 StePh...
stePh wiill niid to tk @ least a fEw mths to recogniise everytiink wiif the companiion of a fren b4 she can go on her own...
StePh iis juz so hAppii!!!
no niiD to Part wiif all her beloVed cHiilReN... ")

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