StePh's plAyliiSt

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Friday, January 2, 2009

CoNfUsEd n BaFfLEd

tOday my priinciipal's mum cor me to ask me iif ii shld go to heR the other sch 2 work...

ii was shocKed by iit coz ii hv to transfer to braddell...

from mountbatten to braddell...

the diist iis far awae from my hse...

ii m so confused by iit nw...

wonderiing iif ii shld go anot...

coz iif ii were to go agaiin..

ii niid to reiintroduce myself...

n get to noe the kiids once more...

everybody ii hv to noe once more...

out from my comfort zone...

ii m so scared...

so worriied dat ii may not do a gd job there...

ii m so afraiid dat ii wiill b stressed up once agaiin wiif all the new routiines dat ii had 2 learn...


hope somebody can come n help sTepH!!!

giif stePh some adviice on wad ii shld do...

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