StePh's plAyliiSt

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Friday, January 2, 2009


Ytd was new yR's dae...

so stepH n FamiiLy went Out 4 lUnch @ MS...

StePh hAd ActuallY waNted To Go 4 soMe shOppIing...

However by the tiime we fiiniished our lunch...

iit was tiime 4 us to sent mummy to Victoria Concert Hall...

She was goiin to watch a play acted by Perry Chiu n Thomas Ong...

However stepH was glad dat daddy stiill wiilliing to make a detour n send her to parkwae...

so when we reached parkwae...

the fiirst place StepH head to was Poh Kim Viideo...

she had ordered the dvd (CamPus ShRewd) n fiinally the stock had arriived...

however she juz manage to walk round pp 4 awhiile b4 headiing back hm agaiin...

b coz @ niite sTeph's auntiie n famiily came over 4 diiner...

we went to the club...

n ordered manii variiety of food...


iin the end by the tiime we reached hm...

everybody's stomach were so full n bloated...

Nv the less...

the diiner was yUmmy...

Deliiciious!!! ")

StePh was so satiisfiied wiif her griilled chiicken turnover n a cup of vaniilla miilkshake...

when we reached hm...

we all headed straiight to the karaoke room...

Daddy had juz bought a ktv set 4 mummy 2 learn n practice her siingiing... (Sweet)

so we all went n chose our fave songs n started siingiing tiill 11 plus...


as StepH's coUsiins wiill b haviing sch the next dae...

we all bade them gd byes n went off to do our own stuffs once agaiin...

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